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me and milos were walking together holding hands as we roamed the mall. i invited nailea and lily but of course they brought alejandro and alvaro.

"so you better treat her right" alejandro said pointing at milos then me, i rolled my eyes.

"i will" milos said confident as he spun me around and kissed me.

"shouldn't even be with him, she should be with kairi" alvaro whispered to lily.

"shut the fuck yo alvaro" lily whispered yelled back at him.

i frowned after pulling away from milos. nailea was on alejandros back and lily was talking to alvaro.

"where you wanna go" milos asked me but also talking to the rest.

"how about me and the girls go while you stay with the boys and talk" i smiled as the rest agreed.


we watched as the left but my eyes were on y/n the whole way until she went into a store. i smiled and waited for someone to talk.

"why are you really with y/n" alvaro asked, i knew he never liked me.

"because she's beautiful and has a beautiful personality" i said.

"don't cheat or else" alejandro warned.

"listen alvaro i know you don't like me but kairi already moved on and it's time for y/n to. i gave her space because she wasn't ready to get in another relationship but y/n texted me saying she wanted to talk so i said yes to meet up at the park and we did, she told me that she's ready and that's why i'm here right now. i don't see kairi trying to win y/n back"

"your right" alvaro admitted finally, alejandro nodded a bit.

"i like you" alejandro said making me laugh a bit.

"thanks" alvaro still looked kinda pissed but i don't give any fucks.

it's not his choice who y/n dates, if she wants to date me then awesome but no where in hell says it's alvaros choice.

i'm going to be around for a long time so alvaro better get used to it or else he's gonna have to go cuz i'm not giving up on y/n.


"but why" nailea asked lily who seemed frustrated and angry.

"i don't know but he's always saying milos isn't good for y/n" lily said as i rolled my eyes.

"kairi is moving on and so can i, me and kairi would still be together if he didn't cheat so it's not my fault" i grabbed a shirt and placed it on my body.

i grabbed a few more shirts before going into the changing room to try them on.

"hey can i try this on" i asked the lady, she nodded and lead me to the fitting room.

"just those 3" she asked opening one of the doors.

"yes" she opened the door a little bit more wide and i walked in.

"name" she asked grabbing the maker.

"y/n" the lady closed the door and i heard the maker sliding through the door.

i put the clothes on the handle thing and started to take off my shirt leaving my red bra on.

i always turned my back to the mirror because i never felt comfortable and you never really know what can be behind it.

the first shirt was a crop top with butterflies around it. it was purple with a big butterfly in the front and the rest were scattered around.

i turned around to see myself through the mirror and fixed some places here and there.

"yup getting this one" i said as i turned around once again to take it off.

"ummm your cute but not for me" i said looking at the off shoulder shirt.

"ouuu cute" this shirt was oversized, it had a lowrider that was black.

i put my shirt back on the faced back to the mirror and started picking up the rest of the shirts.

i put the 2 shirts that i was taking on my right arm and the one i wasn't taking on my left arm.

"ok ready" i asked nai and lily who just got out the fitting room.

"yeah let's go" lily said while nai nodded.

"this is for you" the lady asked me as i nodded.

she scanned them each and took off the little white thing that was stuck on it.

"15.60 is the price" i pulled out my wallet and took my card out.

"credit" i said lifting up to show her.

"please swipe when ready" she saw that i had swiped it then looked at the computer.

i put in my digits which was my birthday, it was accepted and she put them in a bag and handed it to me.

"have a nice day, next" i said you to and grabbed the bag then waited on the side for nai and lily.


"mom i'm home" i said as i closed the door.

"your mom isn't home" fernando told me.

"oh ok" i was going to walk upstairs when he said something.

"also i fed the dogs and put them in there cages to sleep or whatever it is" i laughed.

"thank you" he nodded and walked to the kitchen.

"hey babies" i said walking in my room looking at my dogs who were waging there tails.

i set the 3 bags on the floor and closed my room door. i closed my curtains then went to change into my pjs.




i'm so sorry
for cheating

it's ok

since we both
moved on can
we be friends

yeah i would
love that

ok goodnight
see u tmr


Do what is right, not what is easy.

Strength of character leads us to do the right thing, even when there are easier options

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