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i slammed the door shut and slid down the wall crying.

"y/n are you ok" i heard someone say, when i looked up it was manny.

"k-kairi cheated on m-me" i said while more tears came out.

"oh i'm sorry" manny helped me up and hugged me. it was so weird so i pulled away.

"thanks for that" he shrugged and smiled at me.

there was an awkward silence until i saw him leaning. next thing i know i felt manny's lips on mine.

"what the fuck" i pushed his face away and slapped him.

"i'm so sorry it was just in the moment" he said,  i scoffed and pushed past him.


the young teenage girl sat on her roof with the dress she wore still on crying. the boy she loved cheated on her.

*ring ring ring*

*ding ding ding*

"i love you so much y/n"

"hey baby"

"your so beautiful"

"i promise to not cheat on you or break your heart"

the moments of her and kairi came flooding back to her brain causing to cry out more. she promised herself to never cry over a boy again but this one broke even more than the last.

reality hit the poor girl hard as everywhere she looked she saw him and her smiling, laughing, kissing, and cuddling.

she trusted him

she loved him

and he broke her

the player broke her

the feeling in y/n's heart wouldn't go away, it was another heartbreak.

"why does this always happen to me" the girl thought to herself.

now with kairi once he got home he threw his shoes on the ground making his family flinch.

"kairi whats wrong" the worried mother asked seeing her son have tears streaming down.

"i always fuck shit up" the flash of his once girlfriend crying came to his mind. the boy broke down.

"what do you mean" the mother asked even more worried.

"i cheated on y/n" he yelled out crying.

"kairi" maiyas voice filled with disappointment.

"are you kidding me" the moms worries turned into anger.

"i-i was drunk i" the sister cut kairi off.

"no no that isn't a excuse she loved you and i saw y/n's eyes! kairi the way she looked at you the way no girl ever looked at you! why can't you just commit to a relationship what's your problem! god kairi the one girl THE ONE GIRL who was right for you, you just messed it up and cheated" the angry sister yelled.

"you think i don't know that" kairi screamed back.

"ENOUGH BOTH UPSTAIRS" the stressed mom yelled at her kids.

maiya scoffed and left to her room.

kairi slowly got up, picking up his shoes and walked to his room.

reality also hit the poor boy hard. once he walked in the house he saw y/n and him talking to his mom. kairi saw y/n jumping on his bed laughing as he tickled her and cuddled with her.

kairi saw them playing minecraft on his gaming set, he saw them laughing, smiling, talking, and kissing just like y/n.

y/n and kairi lived almost next to eachother, y/n was across the street from him. kairi peeped his head out the window to see the broken girl crying with her hand on her chest.

the sight of y/n made more tears stream down.

"i'm so sorry i love you y/n" he whispered looking at her.

hopefully she forgives him but even if she doesn't the boy will love her forever.

his one true love

for both of them it was hard to face reality

both brokenhearted

both have tears going down

both love eachother

Respect yourself, look after you in all aspects, physically, health wise, emotionally. Be proud of who you are, what you do, how you dress and look. Be the best you can be. Even if no one sees you, look in the mirror and be happy with what you see.

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