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i slammed my annoying ass alarm clock on my floor after it's been ringing for like 3 minutes. doesn't it get the sign? if i don't stop it just shut it off damn it.

"huh you guys seem energetic this morning" i said to my dogs who were waging there tails.

"let's go feed you fuckheads" i smiled as they lifted there ears.

i opened the cages as they ran out and jumped onto my legs. did a little pet session then went down to feed him.

"now for me to change" i raced upstairs to my room to get ready for school.

"now for me to change" i raced upstairs to my room to get ready for school

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"why tf am i getting dressed for school" i said doing a twirl.

"to look like a bad bitch" i stuck out my tongue and put the middle finger up.

"ew don't do that again y/n" i cringed.

i took my bag and my keys cuz i haven't drove my car in a while and i miss it. my period was gonna start soon so i brought my safety bag and put it in my backpack.

after a while it was time for me to leave so i opened the door when i heard fernando scream.

"manny your going to stay with your mom for a while and that's final" then they both stomped downstairs.

"why cuz y/n and her mom" he yelled back not realizing i was standing there.

"yes and give me your phone i'm going through it!" manny's eyes widen and stepped back a bit, bitch what's that gonna do.

"give it to me manny" fernando stepped closer and snatched it out of his hand.

"no i have naked pictures of y/n on there" my eyes widen as i gasped, they turned to see me.

"i-i have to get to s-school" fernando opened his mouth to say something but i rushed out.


i ran back slapping and punching manny then went to fernando to snatch the phone after i ran out. i finally got in my car and drove off to school.

"hey babeeee" milos sang as i jumped in his arms to kiss him.

"hiiii" i said as milos put me on the ground.

"ok so kairi texted me last night" i started but milos cut me off.

"we are breaking up" he questioned with his cheeks turning red.

"no we aren't, let me finish" his smile came back and grabbed my hand.

"kairi apologized and now we are on good terms like friends" i said, milos kissed my cheek.

"well that's good" milos turned to look down at me as i nodded.

"no fights" i stopped him as his body hovered over me.

"no fights" he mouthed then placed his lips on mine.

"um nasty" i heard kairi say.

"shut up where's maggie" i asked with attitude.

"umm" kairi started but we heard crying, we turned to see maggie crying to her ugly ass friends.

i heard milos start laughing but turned the other way. kairi looked at me with a smile.

"was she good at least" i asked loud so maggie could hear.

"no her pussy stank" kairi also said loud which made her cry more.

"kairi don't even try to start fighting" mattia said as he pulled kairi away.

"no we good" i said smiling as milos put his arm around me.

"oh ok so you 2" mattia asked moving his finger towards me and milos, we both nodded.

"heyyy bitches" lily sang giving kairi a death stare.

"say some shit and i'll beat your ass" lily spat as kairi wiped  his face dramatically.

"keep your spit in your fucking mouth" kairi rolled his eyes while pushing her.

"they are friends" mattia clarified as lily said "ohhhh".

It's easy to find someone to tell you what you want to hear, but your true ally is one who tells you what you need to learn

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