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i woke up with a feeling of a horrible headache. my eyes felt like there were stinging and my hand oh shit i forgot i hurt it.

"agh" i groaned from the pain.

"kairi" i heard my moms voice yell out as she cupped my face.

"my hand, head, and eyes are kinda like hurting" i said closing my eyes shut.

"i just wanted to check if you were ok" i heard her voice, my eyes shot open as i saw her beautiful face.

"y/n wait" i started as she cut me off.

"get better ok" she said to me, i felt her lips on my cheek.

"i love you please don't leave" i whispered holding her hand tight.

"i love you to but kairi we can't be together" i heard the hurt in her voice.

"y-yes we can i'll show you i changed please" she lifted my hair and kissed my forehead.

"maybe one day but not now" she smiled through the pain, i watched as she waved to everyone and left the room.

"fuck wait y/n" i tried getting up but was pushed down by mattia.

"we will get her" alejandro said rushing out the door with alvaro.

"you need to rest" i slapped mattia's hand off my arms and rolled my eyes.

"you don't understand" i spat.

"oh really i may not be feeling your pain or wtv but it's not my fault you cheated. you kairi samuel cosentino are the one who dug yourself into this damn deep ass hole now dig yourself out" i knew he was right.


i rushed out the room hearing kairi yell.

"fuck wait y/n"

i shook my head as i continued walking out the room.

as i was finally out the hospital i felt someone grab my arms and knew who it was.

"what i wanna go home" i said tiredly towards alvaro and alejandro.

"go back in with him please y/n" alvaro begged as i rolled my eyes.

"i cant look at him without seeing his dick inside of another god damn girl" i yelled pushing alejandros arm off of me.

"and we understand that" alejandro said but i cut him off.

"no no you don't! you guys break every single girls heart in our damn school and i bet NONE of you know what it feels like to have someone cheat or someone you love hurt you, do you? tell me i wanna know so bad!" i snapped.

"oh shut up for once y/n! your not the only one who has gone through a break up or heartbreak! for fucks sake you think we do this for fun?! NO we don't but because we are afraid of getting heartbroken, shit we all been through it. kairi got cheated on twice, TWICE! me kairi mattia and alejandro got out hearts broken to many times to count so we started doing it to other girls and trust me it's not an excuse but have you ever thought we had some shit we been through to make ourselves do what we do?! have you! tell me"

i was shocked alvaro little ass said something. i looked down out of guilt.

"i'm sorry" was all that came out.

"yeah wtv come back if you want to but i'm done trying y/n. god you piss me off so much to the point i wanna scream at you. yes kairi did hurt you but he was drunk and no it isn't an excuse but it's his REAL RELATIONSHIP damn it!
give him another chance please" alejandro yelled.

"i-i can't not now ale" i said as i started to walk away.

"you know what y/n FUCK YOU! just know that he loves you" i heard alvaro scream.

i felt wetness fall down my face as i knew they were fucking tears. oh my fucking god AGAIN.

"is he doing good" mom asked me as she saw the tears on my face.

"he's doing good but god mom i miss him and i know he cheated but what alejandro and alvaro told me just made me wanna walk back in there and kiss him again" i said wiping another tear that went down.

"well do you want to give him another chance" she asked.

"of course i do but it's just hard" i saw fernando and manny watching.

"god i'm sorry" i turned away and wiped the rest of the tears i had.

"no it's fine manny go upstairs and i was just about to head out to get groceries" i nodded.

"now tell me what did ale and varo say" my mom asked leading me towards the couch.

i explained everything to mom again as i saw her eyes widen to the things she was hearing.

"do you believe them" she asked as i nodded slowly.

"there eyes told it all mom and you know how good i am at reading people. alvaro and alejandros eyes looked sad as they talked about them getting heartbroken, it- it was genuine" mom sighed as she hit my thighs a bit.

"go to sleep ok" she kissed my head and i walked up to my room.

i took off my clothes and put on some sweatpants with kairi's hoodie which smelled like him obviously.

i laid on my bed pulling up the covers over me while smelling into the hoodie as tears fell out again.

Learn to say "No", clearly and confidently, without any hesitation.

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