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i got up on a saturday at 1:30pm, jeez i slept late. molly and biggie were asleep next to me but i had to take them out to go pee.

"let's go" i said as i put both leash on them hearing a click.

i slowly opened the door and put on my airpods on each ear. mom wasn't home since she had work, fernando i don't know, isaac is still mad so he is still with carmen, and manny i don't give a flying fuck.

"um hey y/n" i heard a voice which made me jump out my skin. i turned around and saw manny.

"what" i said taking out my left airpod.

"i just wanted to say i'm sorry" he said apologetic.

"it's cool just dont do shit like that" i said and he nodded. i placed my left airpod back in then went to open the door when i saw fernando.

"thank you" he mouthed as i smiled. i walked out the door.

"ok babies go pee" i said stopping at the grass next to the dog park.

"oh hello pretty girl" i looked up to see a boy who was light skin with wavy hair.

"oh hi" i said smiling then saw his friends coming closer which made me have a bad feeling.

"can i maybe get your number" every step he took closer i stepped back.

"no sorry i have a boyfriend" i said going to walk away.

"i said give me your number" he pulled me by my wrist as my dogs barked.

"i said no stop" i tried pulling back but he held my wrist tighter. my eyes led to one of the boys.

"hey bro she said stop" the guy said pulling his friend away.

"shut up alexis" another one of the guy said.

"run and don't stop" the alexis dude mouthed to me.

i nodded fast and picked up the dogs then started running as fast as i could.

"HEY STOP HER" i heard from behind me.

footsteps got closer then all of a sudden i saw mattia and alejandro waiting outside mcdonald's ok there phones.

"MATTIA ALEJANDRO" i yelled trying to get there attention.

"get back here" i heard a voice behind me but i kept running.

"please please" i whispered still running with molly and biggie in my arms.

"MATTIA ALEJANDRO" i yelled even louder which got there attention.

they immediately saw the look on my face then the boys behind me. mattia and alejandro raced over to me which made the other boys stops and run away.

"what the fuck happened" alejandro said slowing down.

"i was just walking the dogs when these boys came up to me asking for my number and i told them i have a boyfriend and i tried walking away but one of them grabbed me by my wrist but this other boy named alexis helped me and i got away but then they caught to me and yeah" i said still shaken up a bit.

"hold up when did you get dogs" alejandro said bending down to look at molly and biggie.

"that's not the point ale" mattia said hugging me.

"oh sorry" alejandro joined our hug when someone came out.

"oh uh sorry but here's your food" the guy said handing ale the food they had ordered.

"thanks" matti and ale both said.

"you wanna come or you want us to drop you off at home" mattia asked while ale unlocked the car.

"drop me off at home please" he nodded and we got in the car.

later we got to my house and said our goodbyes. i opened the house door, i walked inside and closed the door. fernando was sitting down watching tv with manny.

"hey guys i'm back" i said taking off molly's leash then biggies.

"hi so i decided to cook today if that's ok" fernando said.

"great! you don't have to ask me i'm happy your cooking actually" i said to fernando who was smiling from ear to ear.

"do you want to watch the movie with us" manny asked stopping the movie.

"oh yeah let me just feed these dogs" they both nodded and manny turned the movie back on.

i grabbed molly's bowl first then placed wet food on the bottom and dry food on top, with biggie he allergic to chicken so i put some meat that wasn't chicken in his bowl. if i put molly and biggie together to eat biggie would eat all of mollys food so i grabbed 2 cages and placed each bowl inside with another side of water then put them in each cage to eat.

after i washed my hands i went to sit down next to fernando. he smiled at me and we watched the movie.

don't cry over someone who isn't worth your tears and time.


don't let them win


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