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we all had to be picked up by our parents after the stupid fight. mattia left first then alejandro then one of manny's friends. 5 minutes later blonde bitch left, then lily, other one of manny's friends. nailea left next was alvaro but now it was me kairi and manny.

"really manny in your first day and y/n and kairi i expected more from you" i rolled my eyes and looked at kai who was annoyed.

"well his friends started the damn fight" kairi snapped and pointed at manny.

"bro no i didn't" manny fought back.

"ah hell nah i know you didn't just"  i started but was cut off by the principal.

"SHUT UP" then the room went silent once again. bro let me tell you i was trying so hard not to laugh.

"kairi! y/n! what happened" kairi's mom said checking up on both of us.

"well a fight happened and....." he explained everything once again. the principal did this with every single parent.

"ok well kairi let's go, y/n do you need a ride home hon" kairi stood up and grabbed his backpack.

"oh no thank you my mom is coming soon" i said giving her a hug.

"what about your car" kairi's mom said confused.

"she can't leave until her mom gets here" the principal said annoyed.

"i wasn't asking you" ms cosentino snapped back.

"ok let's go mom, bye babe" he kissed my lips and we hugged.

they walked out the door and i sat back down, it was hella quiet. sometimes i could feel manny staring at me. the principal was writing stuff down.

kairi and y/n like eachother

like the new name😩

suck my fat dick

bro y/n are u still
at the office

i can't leave until
my mom talks to
the fucking principal

let me fucking catch
one of manny's friends

ale calm ur saggy tits



my phone kept dinging but i just put it away in my pocket.

"hello i'm here for my girlfriends daughter and my son" i heard fernandos voice from outside the office.

"hello yes right here" the principal said as he opened the door, allowing fernando to walk in.

"y/n go in your car and i'll take manny home" he said sounding frustrated and angry.

"every single kid got suspended for a week" the principal announced making me roll my back.

i grabbed my backpack but then my phone fell. every time this happened i always got uncomfortable picking it up especially in front of men.

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