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i was being woken up by someone shaking me. i groaned and pulled my pillow on my face covering the sun.

mom: y/n wake up you have school
oh shit i forgot she's sending me back to school.

you: 5 more-
i opened my eyes and saw her holding the cinturón. my worst nightmare.

i jumped up from my bed and ran into the bathroom hearing my moms laughs.

being in the shower just calms me down i don't know how but like letting the warm water hit my body makes me feel happy and just calmed down.

i didn't feel comfortable about going out in a crop top since everything happened so i just put on isaac's hoodie with my sweatpants.

the fight with nailea just made me upset and angry. i can't believe she didn't give me the space i asked for, it's not forever just a little bit after everything.

i heard a knock on my door. i forgot my door was locked so i walked to it and opened it to see my brothers ugly ass girl.

you: um what
i said rolling my eyes, looking her up and down.

emily: your brother said to hurry up you have school
she said while smirking. i pushed her out of my way and went downstairs.

kairi: ugh y/n finally we have 10 minutes
how tf- when- who- why- um ok.

you: kai when did you get here
he put his hands on his hips and shook his head.

kairi: gurllll like 15 minutes ago now hurry
then he pushed me into the kitchen.

i grabbed 2 pancakes and ate them as fast as i could. i felt my heart hurt so bad, heart burn. i fucking hate them.

kairi: bitch let's go
he said throwing my backpack over him and pulling my arm out the door.

you: bitch pull me one more time i dare you
i say while raising my fist as if imma punch him and he flinched.

you: down girl....your lucky i took anger management classes
then we both busted out laughing.

kairi and i finally made it to school. we decided to take our skateboards instead of driving so yeah. kairi had his arm around me and we was just laughing our asses off.

i said holding my chest from his stupid joke.

kairi: bro i'm serious it's not a joke
kai said all serious.

you: y-you actually broke y-your arm falling down the stairs
he nodded making me laugh more. i wiped my tears.

kairi: i hate you
he walked in front of me. i ran to him and jumped on his back.


we got up from the floor and picked up our skateboards. we saw mattia's car pull up. the boys all got out but i saw nailea and my mood changed.

you: imma go-
i was walking away but kairi pulled me back.

kairi: don't let her ruin your day i got you bestie
he said while smiling. i smiled back.

varo said running up to us. i rolled my eyes and so did kairi.

kairi: chill dude we best friends
i nodded and smiled. alvaro chuckled and gave us both a hug.

mattia: Y/N
it's funny how we hated eachother now we besties.

i dropped my skateboard and ran to hug him.

ale: damn no hug for me
mattia let me go and i hugged alejandro.

i gave a look to nailea and walked back to kairi and mattia. i put arm around kai and tried with mattia but failed.

intercom: will y/n ramirez and jay barrios please come to the front off
my heart dropped. the boys and naileas head snapped to me.

kairi: hey i can go with you
i shook my head and handed him my skateboard.

you: nah nah i'm good just take care of this baby i spent my money on her
mattia gave me back my backpack and i walked off.


i knocked on the principals office then heard a voice say "come in". i walked in and saw jay with his head down.

you: h-hello y-you called for me
i stuttered a bit and jay looked straight at me smirking. i felt chills run down my spine.

principal: please take a seat y/n
he said pointing at the chair right in front of him.

i slowly sat in the chair and put my bag on the floor next to me. my heart was beating so fast i think jay and the principal could hear it.

jay: what are we hear for
his deep voice spoke, i had a flashback to that day.

principal: we are waiting for the police
i saw jays face fall to the floor while i tried to hide my smile.

jay: w-why
all bitchy now huh jay.

principal: you now exactly why! i'm so disappointed and disgusted in you jay! what made you think you could rape y/n without me finding out huh! i'm so sorry this happened to you mija and i'll do anything to help you feel more comfortable. for you jay your expelled and i hope i see your face behind bars for the rest of your life!
the principal shouted while pacing around the room.

you: it's ok mr velasquez
he nodded and sat down more comfortable.

jay: i'm s-
jay was cut off by the police bursting through the door.

the principal pointed at jay and this one guy grabbed jay and slammed him against the wall. jay groaned in pain while they put cuffs on him.

police: you have the right to remain silent! anything you say will be used against you in the court of law!
he pushed jay harder into the wall.

a: not me liking this story

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