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"y/n baby come on get up" mom said to me with sadness.

"mom please i don't want to see him" i said as tears filled my eyes again.

"i know and i'm sorry but the school is calling me over and over again" i felt bad doing this to my mom.

i slowly got up from my bed with the help of my mom. i saw manny pass by ugh that stupid bitch he's lucky mom is happy or i would've said something.

"i'll wait for you downstairs" i nodded as i watched her leave my room and close my door.

tears filled my eyes as i looked around my room and everything reminded me of kairi.

i looked at my body through the mirror, i was really skinny. i haven't ate in days maybe weeks as much as i wanted to eat i couldn't.

i took out a hoodie and sweatpants then put it over my body. i still had my ass and boobs but you could see my ribs. my mom was horrified when she saw me and tried so many times to make me eat but i wouldn't budge.

that's thing that i got from my dad. anger issues, i'm hard headed, and stubborn. i got my looks from my mom and the personality from my grandma who passed away sadly.

"i'm done mom" i said with my throat burning from me crying and screaming.

"come on baby" she put her arm around me and we walked out.

"bye fernando" i waved to him with a fake smile as he smiled back.


i said bye to my mom and watched as she drove off, manny went straight to his friends.

i'm guessing people heard about what happened at the party because they were staring and whispering as if i couldn't hear them.

my eyes landed on the group then kairi, we made straight contact. he had red puffy eyes with eye bags just like me.

"Y/N" lily and nailea yelled grabbing more attention.

"h-hey" they gave me a big hug.

"don't worry we aren't talking to that bitch" nailea said as lily rolled her eyes.

"yeah the boys forgave him but me and nai haven't" i chuckled a bit then felt a sting in my throat.

"you wanna go with them or no" lily asked.

"i'm not ready yet" i said trying so hard not to break down and cry.

"ok let's go" nailea said.

i kept my head down as i felt the group's eyes on me. i saw lily shake her head no and nailea stuck her middle finger up at kairi.

"tell her i'm sorry and i love her" i heard him whisper. i just wanted to jump in his arms and cry but i couldn't.

he has to win me back.

kairi has to chase after me.


"oh look who's back" my bitchy teacher said with a ugly ass smirk.

"push me today and see what happens" i said making eye contact with kairi again.

i sat down next to lily since nailea was in another class. the boys and kairi were in this class which sucked.

"she doesn't want to talk to you guys yet and i'm not gonna force her" lily explained to them as i just sat with my airpods in.

"did you tell her i'm sorry and i love her" kairi voice said.

"how bout you tell her to win her back dumbass" lily exclaimed reading my mind.

"i don't want to hurt her even more than i did" my heart broke even more when i heard his voice crack.

"what you did was no ones fault but yours kairi" alvaro told him.

"why did you cheat anyway" alejandro asked probably texting nai.

"i-i was drunk and horny i didn't know what i was doing" i scoffed then rolled my eyes.

"so just cuz your horny means your gonna fuck any girl you see" mattia spat.

"mattia your worse than me so stop please this hurts already ok i didn't want to break y/n's heart i love her more than anything i'm stupid and i admit it ok" that's enough.

"stop talking like i'm not here" i snapped as i got all there attentions.

"sorry" they all said expect kairi he just stayed silent.

"hey since kairi cheated on you does that mean i get a chance with you" this ugly looking boy said to me.

"over my dead ass body" lily laughed as i agreed with her.

"sorry buddy i ain't dating anyone any time soon" i said looking back down at the floor.

should y/n date anyone and kairi?

Be honest with yourself don't fall into the trap of kidding yourself. If your relationship is making you unhappy, get out while you can. It will not change, face facts, be honest. People normally don't change, no matter how hard you try. Stop giving too much of yourself hoping you will make up for what's missing in your relationship, you will wear yourself out. It takes two to tango. Don't stay in a bad relationship once the 'newness' wears off and someone's true colors are visible. Never tolerate any abuse - walk out. 'Things' usually don't get better, they get worse.

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