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i see the way she's smiles at him, her eyes light up everytime he walks in the room or just is by her, the way she laughs at his jokes or when he tickles her, the way she hugs him.

that should be me

(that should be me holding your hand😩......ok back to the story)

my heart burns everytime i see them together and yes it's my fault cuz i cheated but there isn't an excuse.

i cheated, i caused her heart to break and so with mine. now she's with milos. i love her though, i care for her.

maybe one day me and her can be together again but it for right now it looks like she's in love with milos, well hopefully not love.

"kairi are you ok" mattia whispered to me, i slowly nodded and my gaze went to him.

"you'll be with her one day i promise" alvaro also whispered, i turned to him.

"look at ale it seems like he in love with milos" i said in disgust seeing my best friend laughing and joking around with the boy who has MY girl.

"give it about 2 months and she'll be under your arm again" i smiled at the feeling.

i felt eyes on me so i followed the feeling seeing nailea giving me a death stare, my eyes widen and i looked down quickly.

"kairi i need to talk to you" she said as everyone turned to us.

"um why" i asked as i saw y/n looking confused.

"i said i need to talk to you" nailea said seriously as i nodded.

i slowly got up looking at mattia and alvaro for help for nai gave them the death stare so looks like i'm by myself. y/n milos and alejandro went back to talking.

lily was out sick again so she wasn't here.

"i swear to god kairi if you mess this up for y/n and milos i will kill you with my fucking bare ass hands" she snapped.

"i love her though and you don't scare me so fuck off nailea" i saw her roll her eyes.

"you cheated it's no ones fault but yours"

"you think i don't know that there's no excuse but i love her and i'll do anything to get her back so fuck off" i yelled pushing past her.

"i'll tell her and she'll never talk to you again" nailea yelled as i stomped in my tracks.

"then do it nailea do it i fucking dare you i don't give a fuck i'll still get her back you fucking bitch" i yelled back seeing her eyes widen.

the bitch think she is, the boys might be scared of her but i'm not. nailea can give me all the death stares but she isn't gonna get in my fucking head.

i sat back down and y/n gave me those eyes, i shrugged and smiled which made her smile and go back to talking.

"the bitch tried to scare me off like i give a fuck"  i whispered to mattia and alvaro so just chuckled.

"see this is the kairi i know the one who fights for the girl he wants" mattia whispered moving my shoulders back and forth.

the bell rang out of nowhere so we all got up and walked to our classes. i had my class with mattia and nailea.

i sat down and it was a table of 3 so i was in the middle, mattia sat on my right and nai sat on my left.

"don't ever call me a fucking bitch again" nailea snapped while setting down her phone.

"oh shut up already nai your so annoying" i rolled my eyes.

"does it look like i give any fucks, your trying to ruin my best friends relationship" she said as the teacher wrote some shit on the whiteboard.

"im trying to ruin it nailea" mattia was honestly so annoyed so he just texted some hoe.

"oh really then what are you doing" she asked.

"that's none of your fucking business now leave me the fuck alone" i snapped.

"my god nailea are you obsessed" mattia finally broke.

nailea and mattia started fighting with eachother so i just put my head down. my head was pounding, she is literally the most annoying person ever.

"can you guys just shut the fuck up" i yelled forgetting i was in the classroom.

"kairi! principals office now" he shouted at me with his disgusting spit coming out.

i got up and flung my backpack over my shoulders almost hitting nailea in the head. i stomped my way out the room and headed to the front door where i left this stupid school.

fucking hell.

Listen to learn.

Learn how to listen. You can't learn anything when you're talking.

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