Chapter Eight

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Jordan's POV


When Naria hugged Will, I was furious but I tried my best not to show it. I know Naria had been alone all these years so I just want her to be happy. I want her to experience free love even if it's just a friendship.

We take a taxi to the cube house we will all be staying at, at least most of the cube members and Naria as well.

"Hey!!!" The guys scream as Will, Naria, and I enter the house.

We reunite and just hug and talk. We also get to meet Bee and Mitchell, but they will be coming later since their flight comes later.

Naria stands to the side, giving us our space which I don't think is necessary. After a couple of minutes, the guys start to notice Naria and stops talking and just stares at her. She turns a red color and just politely smiles.

"Oooooo, is this Bayani's ggggiiiirrrllllfriend?!?!" Parker teases me, and I think I turn a little bit red too because then everyone, especially Graser starts bursting into laughter. Even Naria starts to giggle at me. I eventually start laughing too, when Graser starts to make weird alien noises in between his laughing.

After all that dies down, I casually say, "This is Naria, my friend,".

"Don't you think we know that?" Will says chuckling, "you talk about her all day and night,".

This makes Naria blush and she covers her face with her hands which are covered by the sleeves of her gray sweatshirt.

"Awwww, she's shy!!" Graser says in his little baby voice. Naria starts shaking her head, still in her hands and everyone says a little "Aw" too.

I walk up to her and say, "It's okay,". I wrap my arms around her to comfort her because I know she hates attention.

"Is she alright?" Will asks, now a little worry in his voice. He's the only one out of the group that knows about her "problem".

I sit her down on the couch and just give her a second to breath. I rub her back. She takes her hands off of her face, her face still a little bit red. She puts her hand on her chest, trying to breath. She rolls up the sleeve of her sweatshirt to reveal blood, as she cries out in pain.

The guys run to get paper towels, tissues, and a cloth. "What's happening?!" I think, frustrated. But I just hug her into my arms, not caring if I get covered in blood too and tell her "It's okay,".

She nods her head and closes her eyes still breathing deeply but more steadily.


Naria's POV


Everyone seems so panicked. They rush to help me, and soon enough, I get cleaned up. The blood stops running, and the cuts start to heal. Things become more calm around the house.

Jordan rocks me back and forth, reassuring me. It's just somehow when he tells me that everything's going to be okay, I know it will be.

Things start

The scars run deep into my skin, all down my arm. I brush my hands over each and everyone to see if they were real. Is it back? The pain?

I look at myself in the mirror, why is this me? Why was I born like this? Now I know why nobody loves me. I spot a razor in the corner of my eye. I cringe but restrain myself from it. Jordan would know if I did, they would be fresh scars.

I walk out of the bathroom and rummage through my luggage to find a book to read. But instead of reading I just stare at the words and cry, for no specific reason. I just feel so empty, I don't know what's wrong with me.

I lay in the cold bed, stare at the ceiling, and listen to the voices resonating through my head. They're not clear enough to hear, mostly full of echoes. But they're relaxing and soothing to hear.

As start to drift off to sleep, tears still running down my face, I hear the door creak open.

"Naria... Are you okay?" I hear Will ask, "I heard you crying earlier."

I sit up and at that point, I am sobbing. I shake my head and slowly walk towards Will. He wraps his arms around me as I cry into his chest.

I just cry and cry until he questions, "Want me to get Bay..Jordan?"

I nod my head and sit on the bed, waiting for Jordan. I just need someone right now.


Jordan's POV


I spot Will coming out of my room, Naria was in there. Jealousy washes over me but he comes towards me, concern on his face.

"Naria needs you," he says worriedly.

"For what?" I demand.

"Just go, she needs you in there."

I get up and walk into our room and see Naria crying on the bed. I come up to her and embrace her in my arms. I see the scars on her arm and sadness rushes over me. The bleeding were from pain and the pain created scars. I push the strands of hair behind her ear. "You know it's not your fault this happened, it's not your fault any of this happened,".

"Why do you even care about me?" She sobs. "You shouldn't have come to my house in the first place and you wouldn't have to ever worry about me again."

"Don't think like that! Okay?" I slightly yell, furious that she didn't want me to care about her. "It was okay from the beginning. I worry about you because I care and never forget that I was happy before I met you but I'm even more happy now that I've met you."

She shakes her head. "I'm just too much, I don't want you to go through this with me, it's hard enough that I have to but bringing you with me is even harder. This is my pain and I don't want to spread it to you too,".

"Please Naria, I will be here,".

"Maybe I should just leave," she suggests sadly.

"No!" I scream. I leave the room, anger filling me, taking over my mind. I leave the house and just walk out of the neighborhood. The cold air blows, refreshing my mind, waking me up. "I shouldn't have done this." I say to myself, "I shouldn't have left her."


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Probably another chapter going up soon and if you're lucky, there will be.

If you have a Tumblr, please check out this blog: here4you-241-
This is a blog for any of you who need advice for anything, if you're feeling down. It's a blog with my friend and I, Dimondz2016. I live for positivity :)

See you next read!!!

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