Chapter Twenty-Four

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Jordan's POV

Two Weeks Later


Will had already had his surgery and he's been doing a lot better. He had decided to stay with me for awhile in Seattle after a lot of convincing. I didn't want him to be alone after what just happened. We have been getting closer, but the only thing I dread about going to Seattle is seeing Naria again. She had texted me awhile back to tell me that she was in Seattle and to not worry.

Naria leaving me has only been worse for me. Of course I have Will but it isn't the same. I hadn't told him about it though, I didn't want him to feel bad for me. I have to stay strong for him.

"Jordan, you ready?" Will asks me.

I nod my head and rub my face. I need to stop thinking about her.

We soon board the plane. We luckly get seats next to each other so I sit at the window seat and Will right next to me in the middle seat. I decide it's a good time to tell him.

"Hey, Will. Have you wondered what happened to Naria?" I start off.

"Um, yeah,"

"Well, she kind of just left me..."

"Left you?" he interupted me quickly.

"Well, she broke up with me, and left, saying to go our ways because she didn't want to hurt me or anyone,"

"I'm sorry, man. This must be hard for you..."

"Ye-ah," I say, my voice already breaking.

"Dude, it's okay," he says, side hugging me.

I shiver, I know it's not okay but I nod anyways. Why do I always seem so alone, so invisible? This world is rough. I look out the window, and think. How am I supposed to find happiness without having the one person that I love with me? I try to seem okay, I try to make an effort, but inside it's all broken. The pieces of my heart are giving up, they're trying to flee, and without Naria, I can't catch them.


Naria's POV


Lately things have been easier than I thought they would be. I have been hanging out more with Ace and he reminds me a lot of Mike (TYBZI). He's so funny and kind, and whenever I just have breakdowns, which is often, he's always there to support me through them. My breakdowns have been less often, which is good, and I have been trying to think less of Jordan. He always seems to find a way into my thoughts and causes me to think of Will and to think of all of the memories. I need to avoid that.

Ace lives close to my neighborhood area so he comes to my house really often, and we just hang out, doing things to get my mind off of things. Though I never had really told him about Jordan or much about my past. I don't want him to get dragged into this either.

I soon hear a ring on my doorbell. I run over to get the door. I had been reading an old book of fairy tales while waiting for Ace to come over. I slowly open the door, seeing Ace at the exact time he said he was coming over.

"Hey!" he says grinning.

"Hey!" I say back, and jump into his arms. He lifts me up into the air and his arms wrap around my body, leaving us embracing each other, but me in the air. I laugh, and close my eyes.

The next thing I know I'm back on the ground. We walk inside and we sit down on the couch.

"I saw your neighbors moving back in," he says, informing me.

My eyes stare wide at the TV which was turned off. I stay still in fear, my mind dreaded the day Jordan would come back. I can't face him.

"Really?" I say with fake curiousness, but I fail as my voice cracks.

"Are you okay?" he turns to me, with concern in his eyes.

I don't want this to happen. I place my face into my hands, and wish for this to all go away.


Jordan's POV


While we were getting stuff out of the trunk of my car, I had saw a guy at Naria's door, lifting her off the ground and hugging her. She was smiling and laughing excitedly. Wow, she's already moved on, I thought as I had saw her with him, she's already forgotten me.

"You okay?" Will asks me worriedly.

"I'm fine," I say lying straight through my teeth.

"Don't worry, if you don't want to talk to her, I will,"

I nod my head in agreement. "You're the best."

He smiles and pats me on the back as we carry just the last of the luggage inside my house. "I honestly don't know what I would do with out you, I love you, man,"

"I love you too,"

We sit down on the couch. Soon enough Sam jumps onto my lap (A/N I never had a cat before). I laugh lightly, and Will pets him.

I remember about the babysitter I had hired to take care of Sam, so I stand up, leaving Will with him as I walk towards the kitchen counter. I pick up the note I knew would be there. Kate always write letters to me about how Sam did. I read the note, hoping it would distract me from the real world, but who am I kidding? How is a letter about a cat going to help take my mind away about a girl I'm in love with?


Dear Jordan,

Sam did wonderful for the time being. I heard what happened, and I understand your circumstance so take the other weeks for free. I hope things get better with you and your friend, Will.



Once I read the letter, I place it back down on the counter. I look over to Will to see that he's already on his laptop. "I'm going to call her, okay?"

"Okay," I say quietly.

"Sit down next to me, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to,"

I cringe, but sit down next to Will anyways. I look at the screen, and see it loading, waiting for Naria to pick up. She does after a couple of seconds. I place my hand over my mouth, nervous as heck.

"Hey!" She cheerfully says to Will. Hearing her voice, made my heart break again, right in thin air. Why?


Hey! I hope I'm not annoying you guys with daily updates, but it's only going to last for only this week anyways.

Should I get a new cover, or is it okay?

Thanks for reading! Love ya guys, stay beautiful! -DeathStrider

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