Ch 44. Hallelujah♡

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You are so cute. I see so many adorable people around. But then i always wonder what is it about you that makes you stand out, so charming, so important.
You smell nice, you taste nice, your touch is nice, you are a whole nice ball.
Your comfort is like taking a deep breath, the more you let the air in, the easier it becomes to live on.
I feel so blessed to have you, no body matters like you do. You ignore all the bad things as if you don't see them, you give so much room to help a person feel freedom and joy, it's like you are scraping off all their burdens single handedly.
So when your friends are around you, it's like metamorphosis, the cocoon just naturally falls off. They naturally feel your warmth, the larva in them becomes a butterfly, their wings grow more powerful than ever before.
I can understand why people who leave you be feel so aggressive without ye afterwards. Your presence is addictive, they get frustrated on their own.
They try to defame ya or cause you trouble, because they have become dependent on your comfort, they are just attention whores craving your friendship.
You're such a precious company, your mother must like you a lot eh?!
And implying to your individuality and grace, if i were to signify your one special trait,,, you're so ,hmm, adapting.
You are a fast learner, you maintain your calm in the most aggressive situations, you evolve with every passing moment.
That does bring all the more pressure, you can't not do what you are capable of.
But sometimes you could just grow tired of all the rush and would need to rest.
That's fine as well as long as you're willing to try when you have the requisite amount of energy again, that's what really counts.
You never lie. You may hide stressful things so as not to cause trouble to anyone. That makes you strong and reliable. But that's still wrong. You should give me a chance to stand next to you through thick and thin just like you are always by my side. Open up to me more, share with me your personal space, that would make me feel more special. You are not the only one who has to become my protective shield. I'll be the one to keep you safe as well.

 I'll be the one to keep you safe as well

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