Death Note

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The only catchy post on jjong's  instagram apart from Roo his pet is from cowboy bebop i believe.
(There might be afew more, shawols would know better. It's been a while. My past memories are always hazy. Sorry i am so stupid.)
Anyhow, there have been alot of great anime but the ending of our space cowboy is one of a kind epic. I for one also idealize great ways to die. If we are going to die anyway, it should be honorable in some way.
And how our dino boy cosplayed as naruto, halloween titan its all a message of greatness in virtue on his part.
The inyasha cosplay well thats wacky and i ain't a huge fan but that's the only character we know of who has shown outstanding respect and crood affection towards women without any adulterous intentions.
So there, the big guy maintained his integrity to perfection.
He had such a childish concept of good and evil it's too cute for words. He wouldn't unnecessarily glance at or touch his crew's female dancers. He was all shy and innocent while delivering highly sensitive emotions of love life for people , how caringly and sincerely they should treat each other. Stuff like that and he had to manage so much by himself so ov course he got tired, i don't blame him. Still he should have lived. It's just my selfish desire_ an unfulfilling wish.
Oh a little thing clicked in my mind just now that there is his dream girl promotional video, he visited japan and hawkeye ov course just had to find a dog to pat and there was this little kid standing next to it, he interacted with her in his own natural way. For one thing children are crystal. They can't fake their emotions. The little girl could have cried instead had she been scared but she actually bursted out laughing, his warmth reached her. How do i say this, he was just that much pure ^•^
Hmmm attitude and intentions reflect on one's face. Dino san wasn't much of a looker if it were mere facial features. He realized it himself as well. (Well le me is also self-aware about how ugly she is but i am cute cuz i'm innocent through and through :'/ )
But to us he was super awesome, super cool and super handsome because his soul was that much of a shinee gem.
The noble way he carried himself is an amazing miracle in itself.
I freakin love that guy_
He was original. All shinee is original really. But especially when it comes to him, he was always himself. No sly inclinations, no worldly  pretences. That's why he was so bad at acting. That's why he never watched dramas you see. He preferred animations because standard ideals are clearly visible in them. Good gets rewarded. Evil gets punished. The characters are not lying. They all have their unique individuality that stays preserved with them for good. Its satisfying.
He did whatever made him comfortable. If he was surrounded by bright lights and noise at his job, he would provide himself dark silence at home to achieve equilibrium, stay in good shape and do amazing work more and more every time better than before.
I want to know more about him. Stan 'im!?, yes i do :'>

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