Ch 50. Just Chill~

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How has life been treating you so far? Ask me a lot has happened that i didn't have any control over. A lot i have caused to occur fully intended. All those good things and all those bad things just take over my being sometimes. What can i do then, i become useless. I can take only take a break from everything there.

I can't run away from my mistakes. I am afraid i'll further drown in the pits of hell if i try to forget them. But i can't let that pressure get to me either. I have worked hard as well. I have cried, died and resurrected too many times to count. I have reached a ground good enough that i can build on. Not perfectly stable, but still has potential. I can't let my past flaws impede my current growth. If my eyes have become unable to accommodate any more bright light, i'll just let them rest. No need to be blinded altogether, no need to overwork all the time. I can just breathe once in a while, it's okay to take it easy now and then oh yeah~

I need to reward myself for reaching this far. I need to replenish my positive energy. I have been kind to those who relied on me, so now i can spoil myself for a bit as well. I deserve a treat, good work me, good work me~

If i don't take care of myself, no body else is going to do it for me. I was not
born exceptionally strong that i need to go out my way to become a hero and protect everybody. I wasn't born exceptionally weak that i need to be sympathised with and be looked after no no. If i can't fly, i refuse to crawl either. I'll just walk on my own two legs. The world can follow what they feel is right. I'll decide what's right for me myself. No body is allowed to do that for me. If i can't depend on anybody, i won't carry anybody's burden likewise. It's my world that i shine in, a second protagonist would be so excessive.

I'll do everything again that brought me happiness like before. Taste is how tongue matures to feels, age has not much to do with it. I can appreciate what piques my interest, snob opinions of irrelevant fellows are to be discarded like the trash they are. In order to stay healthy, just don't associate with disturbing people.

With a receptive mind and a relaxed body, i can face my fears head on. The wrongs that can't be corrected are not worth the effort. Let's leave them be. I won't do it again. That victorious sentiment is plenty to put my heart at peace. After a good break, i'll focus on what i can accomplish within the limits of my skill and power. I take pride in my hardwork but that's not the only thing that defines my existence. Sometimes i can just jam to the drizzling rain rolling around in my soft clean bed without a care in the world. That demonic me is just as alive and breathing as the dutiful angelic me. So put up with it for a little while eh~ cheat day is not everyday, it's not happening everyday i promise. Aren't we all free souls. Let eachother breathe would ya pal ^^

 Let eachother breathe would ya pal ^^

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