Ch 20. Fireplace

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You’ll burn me with a lighter
Just to look cool in front of others_

The whole song is epic. Thank you dear fireplace for staying by Jonghyun's side, you inspired such a brilliant story.
Do you even realise the strong impact of these lyrics, it's so easy for people to defame others and like a single fungal hypha gives rise to a million spores, evil whispers from one ear to another and eventually the whole world stands united against the truth.
The oppressed keeps getting torned apart but nobody gives a damn. For fun, for self-gratification, for monetary gains_ whatever the reason may be, people burn your heart to a crisp and still feel like melting the remains in an acid pool. If you cry, you're supposedly masking your guilt. If you ignore, you're considered to be embarrassed to silence. Your mind goes blank and you're tired and disoriented and abused against.
The scumb will burn in the deepest pits of hell!
Keeep going, don't halt your progress when it's not your fault, don't mourn over things you can't control. Do blame yourself for everything that went wrong, make wiser choices from then on. Celebrate your growth and achievements, hate your descripances and flaws, become a better person. Bruised or bleeding, stand strong on your own, close the doors on people you had always been willing to welcome inside before,, if they couldn't protect you when you needed them the most,,, they stick around for warmth when you have a sunny day, but discard you when they feel even a tad bit burdened,,,, they are not worth your puppy loyalty.

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