Runway Runaway Pt.2

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Logan's POV

Elizabeth kept staring at me smugly. It made me more nervous. Then Kathrine took to the catwalk with a microphone and a smile.

"Good evening, everyone. I'm so excited for this year's show and proud of how it turned out. I'm also proud and pleased to present an new designer and she is none other than my son's girlfriend, Logan Ripley! Now for the video you all have been waiting for!"

The lights dimmed then the projector lit up. The screen only showed the silhouettes of the pieces. Then the part of the video that was supposed to be mine started to light up different colors and then pictures of me and Torryn's parents wedding with six-year-old me and twelve-year-old Torryn standing in front of our parents. My name was flashing over the pictures. Next thing I knew the video of me torching my ex's car was playing. I was absolutely mortified. I felt like I had died the moment my drunken mugshots. I couldn't take it anymore so I jumped up and ran out of the building. I didn't know where I was going because tears began to blur my vision. Once I made it outside, I stopped and took off my heels and flagged down a taxi. One stopped really close to me and I got in and as I shut the door I heard Torryn calling my name.

I told to cabbie to take me to the closest motel and fast. Then I took my phone out of my pocket. Before I knew it I was calling my mom.

"Hello," The familiar voice on the other line said.

"Mommy," I cried.

Torryn's POV

I knew something was up when I saw that bitch. The way she kept looking at Logan with that smug smirk. I stormed back into the building, shoving people aside a little too roughly. I made my way to Elizabeth and Darren. I grabbed Darren by the throat and slammed him down on the ground and just started kicking him over and over and over. Then I stormed over the Elizabeth wanting nothing more than to slap her.

"Why the fuck couldn't you leave well enough alone Elizabeth, huh? Who gives to flying fucks if we're step siblings. Technically, we aren't siblings anymore I only saw her twice growing up. The first time when our parents got married and when my father died. You ruined me, Elizabeth. You ruined me when I found you in bed with my best friend. Did it really bother you so much when I introduced her to you as my girlfriend? Well guess what, I love her, I'm going to marry her and she's carrying my child. You destroyed her because you think you can get me back now I have no fucking clue where she is. If she is somewhere hurt I will come back and fucking kill both of you."

I stormed out with Mother following after me.

"Torryn, Torryn Carter! Stop right now," Mother yelled.

"No, I will not stop. The love of my life is out there scared and probably terrified that you will disapprove of us knowing what you know now, and she's probably terrified that no one will ever see her as anything other than a vandalizer and a delinquent. She's carrying my child. So no I will not stop until I find her."

I turn to see my mother smiling softly at me.

"I already knew all of this," Mother said. "Before I let anyone work with me I do a full background check. I found that she was your stepsister, and I found that she had a restraining order put against her by a male professor, and that she set fire to her ex's property. I was fine with her working with me despite all of that because she is genuinely a nice young woman who makes you happier than I have ever seen you. So all I was going to say was give me your keys because you are far too worked up to be driving."

With that I tossed her the keys and took out my phone so I could track Logan's phone.

Logan's POV

"Mommy," I cried.

"L-Logan?" Mama said on the other line sounding a little choked up.

"Hi, Mama," I choked out.

"I'm so sorry Logan."

"No, Mama, I'm sorry. I was a terrible horrific daughter. You had to put up with me setting fires and trying to fuck teachers. You had every right to kick me out. I called because something happened. I fell in love with my step brother, I'm pregnant with his child, and his ex is a horrible human being who just ruined my fashion debut with my horrible record. I called because I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you mommy." I sobbed.

"You're pregnant?"

"Yeah, I found out today."

"Oh my baby. I'm booking a ticket to London right now."

I was sitting in a dingy motel room curled up in a ball on the phone with my mama. Hearing her thick husky voice again was so soothing.

"Really, you'll come all this way?"

"Yes, I've been lonely and I had been thinking about you these last several months. I was wondering how you've been wondering what you were doing. I know I don't sound like the mother you're used to and that's because you grandmother found me passed out on the living room floor. I had alcohol poisoning. I spent time in rehab and I have been cleaning up my act. So yes I will get on a plane and fly all the way there."

Hearing my mother's revelation hit me hard. She hurt herself just as much as she hurt me. Then there was a banging on the door. I slowly got up and looked out the window and saw that it was Torryn and Kathrine. I quickly stepped back only to trip on the side of the bed. I screamed as I fell hard on my side. My phone fell out of my hand I could faintly hear my mom call my name. I reached over to grab it when the door was kicked open.

Torryn rushed over to me and picked me up almost immediately. Kathrine grabbed my shoes and followed us out of the room. I held my belly as I put the phone back to my ear.

"Mama I'll call you back."

Then I hung up.

Torryn's Torryn's POV

The moment I heard her scream I saw red. I slammed my foot into the door busting the lock on the door. I saw my baby girl laying on the floor holding her side as she grabbed her phone. I scooped her up in my arms as she put the phone to her ear.

"Mama, I'll call you back."

Mama? Her mother actually answered? I was going to have to ask her about that later but I wanted her to get checked out at the hospital. I opened the back passenger side door and slid inside and carefully closed the door.

"Mother, can you please hurry and get us to the hospital!" I yelled becoming impatient.

"Son I'm going as fast as I legally can."

When we finally arrived at the hospital, I quickly got out carrying Logan in my arms. A nurse saw me carrying her and asked what was wrong.

"She tripped and fell hard on her side and she's pregnant."

Logan looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Babe, you voice is getting higher again. Remember the last time that happened. Just please calm down."

"I will not calm down, not until I know that you and my child are okay."

The nurse found the resident O&G who led is to a room and I laid Logan on the table.

"Ok, Miss, I'm going to need you to lift up your shirt so I can put the jelly on your stomach."

Logan lifted her shirt and the doctor did his thing. We looked at the monitor and then we heard a heartbeat and then the doc moved to the other side and another heartbeat sounded overlapping the first.

"Was that what I think I just heard," Logan asked. "Please tell me I heard two heartbeats."

"You are correct, you two are having twins."

Logan's head hit the headrest and she had tears leaving her eyes and a smile on her face.

I broke down myself. Besides first finding out that she was pregnant, I had never been happier in my life.

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