Beautiful Revealings Pt. 2

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Logan's POV

We had made it back home with still a couple hours left so we went shopping so I could get a dress for the party. Also because Anna had called me and said that even thought they were done earlier than expected we were not allowed to show up earlier that told.

The two of us decided to chill at the park and watch the kiddies play while their mothers watched. I couldn't help but smile at a couple of children, a boy and a girl, that couldn't have been more than four. The pair were playing and the little girl slipped as she tried to go down the slide and fell. The little boy waddled over to her and pulled her in a little hug.

It was in that moment that I felt something in my belly. "Torryn, I think one of the babies kicked."

Torryn immediately slid closer and held his hand to my swollen belly. I laughed when the babies kicked again and Torryn's face lit up like a kid's on Christmas morning.

We stayed for a few more minutes before we had to head back home. We arrived to find Anna and Will standing on the porch smiling. I knew something would happen with those two.

"So you ready to party," Anna asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

We walked into the house and there were pink and blue balloon arches leading to the backyard. The patio tables held a two tier cake surrounded by gift bags and boxes. There was a sign above them saying "What the hell am I".

Everyone that was there was Katherine and Theo, a nice calm man that she had been seeing for the last couple of months, Mama, Felix, and of course Anna and William.

Laughing I turned away from the table to look at the other tables that held a shit ton of food. There were deviled eggs, burgers, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, pretty much all of my favorites.

There were so many balloons and streamers I would swear that they bought out the entire party store's baby shower supplies.

"Guys this is great. Thank you so much for doing this," Torryn replied as he hugged me from behind.

"Well, this isn't even the best part. After we eat, we'll do the reveal with cannons!" Will said excitedly.

And we did just that. I ate far too much. I ate six deviled eggs, two bacon cheese burgers, a large serving of the thickest and creamiest Mac and cheese I had ever had in my life, and chicken nuggets. Yet after all of that I was still hungry. Damn you children!

When everyone was finished eating, we all gathered around and Anna and William handed each of us an air cannon.

"Now, now in the count of three, pop the cannons!"

"1...2...3!" Everyone screamed.

Torryn's cannon released pink smoke and mine blue.

We were having a set. A little princess and a little prince. I couldn't have been any happier than I was right now.

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