•Chapter 9•

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Renee's P.O.V

Lunch was quite boring until Cameron said he had a announcement he was at the centre with Daisy ugh even by saying her name sent me to disgust.

"I would like to ask for for your attention and just say that there's this girl that makes me smile every time she walks into the room I love everything about her;her laugh her personality and appearance and that is Daisy Anne Rose and I would like it if you gave me another chance and it was a mistake of me to be shamelessly flirting with renee" Cameron said

When he said that I was fuming how dare he say that in front of the whole school Daisy will pay and I got him to help me.Just you wait Daisy you won't know what hit ya.

{recap over}

Daisy's P.O.V

OMF did he literally complemented me holy shit why the fuck am I worrying about a compliment when I should be focusing on his sincere apology.What do I say oh my what should I say.

"Yes I do forgive you" omg did I really say yes.

"Would you like to go somewhere with me tonight" Cameron said

I nodded

"I'll pick you up at 5 wear something casual" he said and walked away.

~After school~

I arrived home and started getting readied I went to my closet and chose to wear a that said we wear pink on Wednesday and jeans with my white converse.

I put on some mascara and lipgloss and was ready to go to by pass time I started watching the maze runner. (if you haven't watched it watch it right after you finish reading this )

As I was getting to the good bit a knock interrupted I paused the movie and went to answer the door it was
An unknown note I looked around quickly hopeful to catch the person sending these notes.

I read the note it said quite the speech Cameron gave you huh to bad he didn't mean it.

Have they never heard of a phone and texting seriously this game is getting old who the hell is this person.

Another knock came I opened it to find cameron.

"You ready?" He said

"Yup just let me get my phone"I said

I went upstairs and got my phone and put it in my pocket.I got inside Cameron's car he started to drive off.

"Cam where are we going"i asked

"It's a surprising I wish you remembered I hate surprises" I replied

"Oh trust me I remembered I just like it when it bugs you" he says with a smug look


"Cam where are we going" i asked Cameron said he was taking me somewhere since it was my 10th birthday

"Somewhere you'll find out when you get there" he replied back

"I hate surprises" I said

"Are we there yet"

"No daisy"

"Are we there yet" I asked for like the 100th time today and got the same answer

"We're actually here now" he said

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