•Chapter 2•

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When I reached my locker I saw all the boys staring down at me. "Hey whore!" Nash said. I didn't respond and he obviously didn't like it.

"Slut, respond when I talk to you!"

I finally responded with, "What happen to rule 1, no talking back?" When this all started they set some rules for me.

Rule 1: Don't talk back.
Rule 2: Don't fight back, it'll be easier.
Rule 3: Remember, no one will ever like someone that looks like you.
Rule 4: Always come back after school for your last beating.

"You are so going to get it!" That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

~ 1 hour later ~

I woke up feeling dizzy and light headed. I got used to my surroundings, damn. I saw it was the nurse's office. "Hello dear, you are finally awake!" Susan said. I look around confused,

"What happen?" My voice raspy.

"I don't know dear, a young man came in and said you blacked out." She replied plainly. "Do you know his name?" I asked

"Cameron Dallas." She said.

That isn't possible, he would never help me except for when he picked me up at Starbucks. "Thanks Susan." I replied. "Dear, I need to ask you something." I gave her a confused look, "Sure, go ahead."

"I noticed that you had so bruises around your body, is everything alright at home or school?" She asked carefully. "Of course! I just fell really hard on the floor but thank you for your concern. I have to go to class, I have science." I said nervously.

On my way out she handed my slip. I thanked her a slowly walked to class.

I handed the slip to my teacher, Mr Swan and looked around for an empty seat. Would you look at that, I have to sit alone at the back of the class. While the teacher kept going on about science, I pulled out my lyrics book and started writing song lyrics to make it look like I was taking notes.

Writing the chorus of the song I was making, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I look up and saw who it was, Jason the jock. "What do you want?" I whispered to him.

"It's for you, nerd." The front of the paper said, for Daisy. Why thank you Captain Obvious, I didn't know that. I flip the note over and it was written in bold font, "What do you think of Daisy."

This will be entertaining, I thought to myself. It was the usual name calling. Slut, Nerd, Loser, Whore, Ugly, Needs Better Clothes. I was going to scrunch it up but something caught my eye.

It said: She is beautiful, I don't get why she gets bullied, Michael Clifford ;)

I needed to find this Clifford guy and ask what the purpose of him calling me beautiful was.

The bell rang signaling it was time for recess. I went up to Mr Swan, "Sir, do you know who Michael Clifford is? I'd like to know."

"The one with bright red hair, wouldn't be hard to miss." I smiled and thanked him.

I went to the cafeteria and ordered a cheeseburger and fries with Coca Cola I also bought chocolate cake. I paid then left to find a table. I spotted a guy with red hair and I instantly thought of Michael. When I went up to his table, Mathew walked up to me.

He stood up on the table, and announced something with the announcer voice, "Attention everyone, I would like to say that Daisy is a pig and shouldn't even be eating because she could lose a view kilos so I'm going to help her!"

He then threw my cheeseburger in my face, smashed the cake in my face, threw the fries on the floor and tipped my drink all over me. He gave me an innocent smile, "I was only helping."

Everyone laughed, and some where recording. I know by tomorrow, it'll be on all the social media websites. I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom, my safe haven. I locked myself in the cubical and tried to hold back my tears.

Someone must have picked the look because someone came into my cubical, I was so shocked because it was...

Hey lovelies! I just love cliffhangers, don't you? I do it 'cause I slay. Please follow and vote, love you
(P.S vote if you want Nash Grier to notice you)
Wink Wink ;)

Danni xx

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