Chapter Two

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I woke up early in the morning to a whimper through the baby monitor, I got up and made my way to the nursery, Asher was fast asleep and Lucas was crying in his sleep, it broke me out of my zombie state, I picked him up and rubbed circles in his back, he fell asleep again but held me tight, I took him to my room and laid down with him attached to me.

I fell asleep soon after, it broke my heart when I saw Luke's little face scrunched up like he was in pain, I did have a horrible nightmare because of it, I woke up to Lucas poking my face “Daddy, need change” he pointed to his bum, I picked him up and took him to the change table in my room and cleaned him up.

I picked him up balancing him on my hip “wanna help daddy choose what to wear today?” he nodded so I went to the wardrobe, I pulled out a black top and showed him, he shook his head and pointed to a white T-shirt, I grabbed it and he then pointed to some skinny jeans that wear black, I then got that out.

I went to his part of the wardrobe, I had somethings ordered and they came early in the morning, Liam woke me up and helped me back them, I let him have some say in what he wanted to wear, he chose cream chinos and a white top with 'My Daddy's A Pop Star' on it, yes I did get it made, don't judge me, I also grabbed a Jack Wills Jumper for me and him, they were both purple hoddies, I slipped on my white converses then put Lucas' little vans on his feet.

Today we had an interview were we showed our boys off to the world, I couldn't wait I was so excited but also nervous because I don't know how Lucas would cope, we piled into the van, I made sure I had everything, Teddy, check, nappy needs, check, pacifier, check. I put Lucas in the double car seat with Asher, Lucas did not get enough sleep last night, he fell asleep during the trip to the studio.

I carried him in to the studio still passed out, when we were getting ready he woke up long enough for me to change his nappy and fix his hair, then he went straight back to sleep, I smiled as his head lent on my shoulder and a soft snoring escaped his mouth.

We got called on to the stage, Niall, Louis and Liam held their kids hands while they walked out, while me and Zayn held ours, Asher was wide awake and pointing to the audience in amazement, he was wearing a varsity jacket like Zayn, some cream chinos, a plain white top and some nikes. Tyler was wearing blue TOMS like Louis but had white chinos, a white top and a blue jumper over it. Cody had a white top, blue jeans, a black zip up hoodie and some blue spuras, Hunter had a blue plaid button up top some cream chinos and some blue converses.

“So these are you children” the interviewer said, I never did listen when Liam told us who was going to interview “Hello boys I'm Stacey” she smiled “What are your names?” she asked.





“And this is Lucas, he fell asleep” I said looking down at his sleeping face, he had held of his teddy and me, he also had his pacifier half in his mouth half out, I fixed it a smiled.

“How old are they?” the interviewer asked us.

“Tyler is five, Hunter is six, Cody is four, Asher and Lucas is three” Liam said smiling.

“How has it been so far with everything?” she asked Louis.

He smiled “It's been fun, but Tyler doesn't like baths that much, but we made in to a came of cat and mouse” he said, Tyler smiled up at Louis.

“Niall, what's Cody's favourite thing?” she asked him.

He looked down to Cody “He really likes Nando's and dinosaurs” he said, the interviewer awed then turned to Zayn.

“How has Asher adjusted?” she asked.

“He's still a little shy around other people, but he's doing good, and I tought him how to saw Vas Happing?” he smiled proudly.

The interviewer turned to me “Lucas seems like the youngest like you Harry, has it been hard?” she asked.

I smiled shaking my head “No, not right now, if he isn't sleeping he's wanting to play or read books or eat” I told her “He really loves the Doctor Sues books” she nodded her head and started to say goodbye to the viewers.

Once we were back stage Lucas woke up “Hay Buddy” he smiled “want some milk?” he nodded, his blonde curls bounced slightly, I got his bottle ready while juggling with him.

The interviewer came up and fixed his bottle for me “Thanks” I smiled to her, I gave it to Lucas and he gave me his pacifier.

“He is a really good boy” Stacy said, I nodded.

“He didn't get much sleep last night though, he had a nightmare” I explained to her “He slept in my bed for the rest of the night” she nodded.

Paul called for us to go “Bye” we said at the same time, I smiled and walked off to where Paul was “Hay Paul, this is Lucas” I introduced them, Paul was sick yesterday so he wasn't there when we adopted the kids.

We stopped at KFC for lunch, I got a snack box with popcorn chicken for Lucas, when me, Lucas, Zayn and Asher were eating Liam, Louis and Niall took their sons to the playground equipment, I was chuckling at the kids piling up on Louis, Liam and Niall were no help when they were nearly on the floor laughing.

We got in the car after they were done playing around, we got home and Hunter jumped up on the lounge “Toy Story!” he yelled smiling and jumping up and down.

Liam picked him up “That's my boy” he smiled, he then turned to the rest of us “Toy Story?” he asked, I nodded and set Lucas down sitting next to Hunter who finally settled down.

I went and got Lucas some juice, I sat next to him and gave him the bottle, Hunter helped him not to spill the drink, I smiled at the sight and took a photo of it, I then made Lucas a twitter and tweeted the photo.

I turned my phone off and continued with the movie, I was tired but didn't want to fight, Lucas crawled onto my lap and then fell asleep, I followed in is lead and fell asleep with him wrapped in my arms.

When I woke up I was in my bed with Lucas a sleep next to me, I got up careful not to wake him up, I then got a shower and got changed, I then got Lucas up “Hey buddy” he smiled a tired smiled, I picked him up “Bath time” I said and walked into the bathroom, I put it on warm and filled the bath up, I then put bubbles in it, I undressed him and placed him in the bath, I washed his hair and his body then let him play with the bath toys for awhile.

I got him out and dried him, I wrapped the towel around him and took him to the room, I put a new nappy on him and put his 'Vas Happing!' top on, Zayn got one for all the boys, I smiled when I put it on, I then put his superman shorts on then set him down in the play room with Hunter who was already in there.

I saw Liam looking at Hunter with a sad face, almost like he was going to cry, I went up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder “Mate was wrong?” he made me follow him out side of the room, we kept the door open enough to keep an eye on the boys.

“Hunter's parents want him back” he then bursted in to tears, I hugged him shocked and saddened.

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