CHAPTER 13 We meet again

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CHAPTER 13 We meet again

CODY ------> 


Seth and I have become friends, I know what your thinking 'It's a miracle!!' and it is, we both didn't know what to say until he asked me about who I go for in soccer, my real dad before he died used to take me to watch Manchester United play.

“Manchester United” I said.

He scrunched up his face “I go for Arsenal” he said.

“My dad used to take me to all the Manchester United games” I said, then I looked down “But he died” I looked up and his face was shocked some what.

“So Louis Tomlinson adopted you?” I nodded my head “Oh” he looked down for a brief second then back to me “What about your mum?” he asked.

“She died as well as my sister, it was a car crash” he nodded.

“I'm sorry” he said sincerely.

“What about you? You live with just your sister?” before he could answer the bell for home time rung. I heard him mumble 'Saved by the bell' I grabbed my bag from my hook and followed Hunter out of the school.

Seth was next to us as well as Parker, Parker left once he saw his mum. I looked around and saw my dad waiting by the car with Uncle HazzaBear. I smiled and looked at Seth but he wasn't next to me. I turned around and he was frozen “Seth?” I asked waving my hand in front of his face.

I followed his gaze and saw a women and a man looking at Seth. “I-I've gotta go, S-see ya” I waved and Seth ran to the adults and got in the car. I was confused but shrugged it off, maybe they were his parents and he was shocked that they picked him up, I've only ever seen Summer pick him up.

I went up to my dad and Uncle HazzaBear, I got in the car and Uncle Haz got in the drivers seat “What was wrong with Seth?” my dad asked went he got in the car.

I shrugged “I don't know, he froze when he saw, what I think is his parents” my dad looked at Uncle Haz then back to me.

“Okay, buckle up” I put my seat belt on and waited as Harry drove home.

“Hay dad” My dad picked me up.

“Yes?” he smiled.

“Seth goes for Arsenal” I stated.

“What?” he said in a overdramatic tone “We must convert him at once, invite him over tomorrow after school and we'll show him why Manchester United is number one” I nodded smiling at him.


I walked up and down the hall biting my lip. Eleanor was cutting Cody's hair, well all the boys hair but Cody wasn't liking it. They kicked me out of the room because it was hurting me that he was crying and screaming like he was in pain. I almost stopped her twice, then Harry said “Maybe you should wait outside”

Cody came out with his hair cut shorter and with his face red and puffy from crying. I hugged him and he held on to me tight. “Hay it's okay” I soothed him.

Cody was the last of the kids to get a haircut. “Let's get some ice cream, yeah?” he nodded into my chest, I picked him up and carried him outside and put him in the booster seat. I drove to the nearest ice cream store.

I got out of the car and unbuckled Cody and walked into the store. Once I got to the counter, there was a girl was wearing an orange top with the shops logo on the right of her top, she was wearing an orange hat on with her hair in a bun, once she looked up, my smile on my face grew “Hello Hunter May” I said.

She smirked and raised her eyebrows “Hi Niall” she looked at Cody and added “Cody” Cody smiled and looked at the ice cream pointing to the cookies and cream.

“That one” he said, I nodded.

“A scoop of cookies and cream in a cone, and two scoops of Mint chocolate in a cone” I asked Hunter May she nodded and started to scoop our order “Oh and also I'll take your phone number while I'm here” she looked at me and smiled and crooked smile.

She passed me the ice cream and wrote on a napkin her number. I texted her to make sure it was the right number and it was. I went to the park with Cody which was right across the road. Cody finished his ice cream pretty fast, without getting a brain freeze, he is now on the play set running around. We went home after the park and ate dinner and went to bed.


The next day I was picking Hunter and Tyler up from school. I saw Summer waiting once I pulled up, Eleanor was with me. I went up to Summer and she smiled “Hi” I said “This is Eleanor” I said as El walked up beside me.

“Hi, I'm Summer” she shook Eleanor's hand.

“Do you mind if Seth comes to my house for the afternoon? I'll bring him home after? I was asking because he and Tyler have become good friends” I explained.

She bit her lip and looked down, then to me. It was just on cue that Seth and Tyler came out smiling, followed by Hunter and Parker. Seth ran up to Summer and hugged her “Can I go to Tyler's?” he asked hopeful.

“Um...” I cut her off.

“You should ask you parents first maybe?” I suggested.

Summer shook her head “No, it's fine” she put Seth down “Have fun” she then turned to me “Get him home by 6” she gave me her number and kissed Seth's head then went to her car.

“Mum” Tyler said to Eleanor who smiled and picked him up.

Seth and Hunter got in the back of the car and El put Tyler in the car and once everyone was buckled up I started to drive. “Hey Seth, I heard you go for Arsenal?” I looked at him through the review mirror.

“Yeah” he looked at me “Why?” he asked a bit scared.

“Well Tyler and I were thinking about watching some football” I said, he smiled.

“Really?” he asked excited. I nodded and continued to drive.

Once we got home Seth and Tyler went to Tyler's room while I went to the cinema room and put the football on. They came in and Seth's mouth fell open “WOW” his eyes were wide and his mouth formed a huge smile.

After we watched a few games Seth had fallen asleep on one of the seats, he was curled up in a ball with a blanket draped across him, I looked at the time and saw it was 5:30, I texted Summer asking her what her address was and she texted back almost immediately.

I went over to Seth and shook him slightly, he shot up and looked at me with fear. “It's okay it's just me” he relaxed and realised where he was. “Come on time to go home” he reluctantly nodded. He followed me out of the room “Taking Seth home” I yelled to no one in particular.

Seth sat in the car, I got in the front and started to drive “Seth I couldn't help but notice that bruise on your jaw, how'd it happen?” I asked looking at him through the review mirror.

He looked at me and shrugged “Wrestling with my older brother” he said. I pulled up at his house, it was small and run down. I got out and helped Seth out, I took him to his door and knocked.

A boy around 17 opened the door, he had a busted lip and smiled at Seth “Hey Seth” Seth smiled a bit, but looked in the house.

“This is Louis, Tyler's dad” Seth looked at the boy “Louis this is my brother Scott” I shook hands with Scott and he smiled.

“My parents aren't home, even though you'd probably want to meet them” he said. I nodded and smiled.

“I've gotta go, me lady doesn't like it when I'm late for dinner” I smiled and turned to walk away. Once I got home it was dinner time. I played with my food but couldn't eat, I knew Seth was lying and his brother had a busted lip, it was obverse something was going on.

I tucked Tyler into bed and smiled “If Seth comes to school in pain or bruises that he can't seem to explain, tell me yeah?” he nodded but was slightly confused. I kissed his forehead and went to my room and snuggled up to Eleanor.

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