Chapter Four

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I got Mattie's phone number when it was time to go, it was Lucas's birthday in a couple of days and he's jumping up and down on the spot in front of Louis telling him about a kitten that he saw while we were walking home. I smiled at the sight and continued with dinner, Simon was coming tonight to meet the boys and help Liam with the Hunter problem.

Zayn came in with Asher in his arms “Ash caught a cold, wheres the medicine?” I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the flu medication, a whimper escaped from Asher's mouth “It's okay buddy” Zayn looked at me with pleading eyes “Can you make him some soup?” I nodded and smiled at him.

“Give him the medicine then take him for a bath, put him in pjs then put him to bed” He nodded and gave Asher the medicine and left the kitchen, I heard the door bell so I made Liam take over the cooking, I picked Lucas up and made my way to the door.

Simon smiled to me as I opened the door, Lucas pointed to him “Who he daddy?” he asked, Simon smiled and stepped in the door.

“This is Uncle Simon” I said to him, he looked at Simon then smiled.

“Uncwe Simon!!” he said holding his arms out to Simon, he took Lucas and held him on his hip, I showed him in to the lounge room while he was listening to Lucas talk about the kitten again, I went to the kitchen and finished cooking, I ate while I cooked Asher his soup.

I finished and gave it to Zayn to take it to Asher, I sat down next to Lucas at the table “Can I have kitten?” Lucas asked, I smiled and looked at Louis and Simon.

“Sorry bud, maybe when your older yeah?” he pouted, I cringed he was too cute to say no to, I knew I had to stand my ground though “Sorry Honey” I said ruffling his hair. Once everyone finished dinner Louis and Simon went to the lounge room with the kids while Liam and I washed up.

“Simon is making a few calls tomorrow to help with Hunter, I told him about what Hunter went through and he said the same thing you did” Liam said looking at the plate in his hands he then looked at me “It's just when ever I think about what he went through I want to find them and hurt them like they hurt him!” he said frustrated and put the plate down “I mean come on who can do that to their kid! They said he almost died!” I hugged him calming him down.

“I know but we have to stay strong for Hunter” I pulled back and he smiled.

“Since when were you the responsible one?” Liam joked, I laughed and shrugged.

“Come on lets see if has corrupted our children yet” he laughed and followed me to the lounge room, Louis was entertaining Cody, Tyler and Hunter, Niall was asleep on the couch and Simon was sitting on the floor reading a book with Lucas.

Lucas looked up at me and smiled at me I sat down with him and Simon on the floor “You weren't joking when you said he loves books” Simon looked up at me.

“Why would I lie?” I smiled “Come on Lukey time for bed” I smiled picking him up.

“Simon come too?” he said looking at Simon, Simon nodded and followed me to my room, I put him in the coat because I didn't want him to catch what ever Asher had.

“Stowy!!” he smiled, I nodded and grabbed his newest book 'Horton Hears a Who' I read him the story, half way through he fell asleep, all the other kids went to bed as well, Niall, Zayn and Louis went to bed as well, while me and Liam spoke to Simon.

“Tell me exactly what happen to him so I have the full story” Simon said looking at Liam.

Liam sighed and looked at Simon “The orphanage said...”


Shortest chapter in the history of short chapters

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