Chapter Three

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After I calmed Liam down he explained that Hunter's mother had called and told him she'll take him to court if he doesn't give her Hunter back “But she can't do that, can she?” I asked he sunk to the floor and nodded.

“She's his biological mother” he groaned “I love Hunter, it would break my heart if he was taken off me” he looked up at me, I sat next to him.

“It would break my heart too, and the boys” I said side hugging him “We'll get through this, you'll see.” I smiled then stood up helping him on the way “come on lets go and see what Hunter and Lucas is doing” I said, we walked into the play room and saw Hunter helping Lucas draw.

I sat on the side and watched as Lucas sat there with a pencil griped in his fist, his face crunched up in concentration with his tongue to the side. “I don't know if I should tell Hunter” I looked at Liam who was looking at Hunter guiding Lucas' hand on the paper “Part of me says it's a bad idea but the other part of me says it could be worse if I don't tell him” he then looked at me.

I was about to say something but Louis came in being chased by Tyler “Daddy you will bow down to me” Louis was running really slow and when Tyler tackled him he fell down like Tyler was strong.

Tyler sat on Louis belly and smiled “I win” Tyler said with both hands in fists in the air, Louis then started to tickle Tyler which sent Tyler in a fit of giggles “Lukey! Hunter! Help!” Lucas and Hunter got up and started to tickle Louis.

I had a small smile on my face, it was too cute, I took a photo and tweeted it. Louis had all three kids on his stomach Tyler was on his chest, Lucas in the middle then Hunter, Tyler started to play with Louis cheeks, Louis did nothing to stop him “This is a weird image to come in the room to” Niall said as he, Zayn and their kids came in the room.

Cody and Asher ran to Louis and jumped on him as well “How come I'm the one you guys like sitting on?” he asked with the biggest smile on his face.

“Because you is comfy” Cody said smiling, Liam's phone started to ring, he excused himself then walked out. After a while I heard him shout 'NO' the kids and the boys looked at the door, I got up and smiled walking to where Liam was.

“What's wrong?” he was crying and his phone was on the floor across the room, he looked at me and shook his head.

“The agency isn't being any help, they said once the child leaves the orphanage they are not responsible for anything that happens.” he wiped the tears from his face “I might not be able to keep him Harry” he sounded desperate.

“Did you ask why he was put up for adoption in the first place?” I asked, he shook his head. “Maybe you should” I then picked up his phone and gave it to him.

He dialled the agencies number again “Hi....Yes I know I'm sorry about that, it hasn't been the best day” he paused “Can I ask why was Hunter put up for ado-” he was cut off and listened to the person on the other line speak, he went from shocked to mortified “Then how are they getting a case!” he yelled angry “Thank you” he hung up and looked at me.

“What?” I asked, he then told me the story of what happen leading to the result of Hunter becoming in the orphanage. I was shocked and wanted to hug the kid, I stood up and looked at him helping him up “They won't win, not with that past” I hugged him.

We went back into the play room, I saw that Lucas and Hunter fell asleep on the play matt in the corner of the room, I smiled at the sight and put a blanket over them, I looked at Hunter who had a protective arm over Lucas, I wasn't going to let him go back to that family, he was my nephew now and he was going to stay.

Louis and I decided to take Tyler and Lucas to the park for the day, Liam took Hunter to get in rolled at a school, Louis in rolled Tyler the day before, Niall took Cody to a preschool to get in rolled in and Zayn took Asher to get a hair cut.

I was sitting in the sand pit with Lucas helping him build a sand castle, we finished it and Lucas smiled a cheeky grin, he stood up, I held his hands so he wouldn't fall and started to jump up and down on the castle, I chuckled at him, he was giggling the whole time.

He stopped and pointed to his bum, that's one of the things I love about this kid, he tells me when he's made a mess, I picked him up and quickly told Louis I was going to clean him up, I went to Starbucks and went to the change rooms, I cleaned him up and put a new nappy on him, I then went out and to the counter.

I ordered a Tea for Louis, two juices and a coffee for myself, as I waited I sat down and put Lucas on my lap, he started to play with my fingers and making them dance as he said they were. I smiled at how cute he was “Your Harry Styles” I turned to see a girl that looked like he was seven smiling and pointing at me.

“I am so sorry about her” I looked up and saw another girl with brown hair and dark chocolate brown eyes “She likes to run off” she smiled picking the little girl up.

“It's okay, what's her name?” I asked “and your name?” she chuckled.

“This is Riley and I'm Matilda” she smiled “but you can call me Mattie” I shook her hand.

“I'm Harry but you obversely know that” she chuckled and nodded “ And this is Lucas” Lucas looked up and smiled at her “Please sit down” I motioned to her to sit, she did so and I got out a Sharpie I always keep with me, I got one of the napkins on the table and signed it and gave it to Riley.

“Here are your drinks” the waitress came over and gave me my drinks and Mattie her drinks, I got up picking up Lucas and juggling the drinks, Mattie took the drinks out of my hands so I could get Lucas comfortable and put his nappy bag on properly

I took the drinks back off her “Do you want to come back to the park with us? You can meet Louis?” I asked, she smiled and nodded her head.

“Sure” she got her things and we started to walk to the park, Louis came over and took the drinks out of my hand and set them on the table.

“Hi I'm Louis and this is Tyler” he smiled to Mattie and Riley.

Mattie smiled “I'm Matilda but I don't answer to that so just call me Mattie, and this is Riley” she put Riley down and Riley ran off to the play area, Tyler followed her, I put Lucas on the bench and sat next to him “And before you guts ask, Riley is my sister”

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