Chapter Sixteen - Saved

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Louis' POV

It's been three months since Tyler's birthday. Eleanor has been getting bigger, her and the girls have been going the mall more and more, shopping for baby clothes. We haven't seen Seth since Tyler's birthday. Tyler told us that he doesn't talk to anyone during school and he moved his desk away from Tyler.

I was worried for the boy and his siblings. Which is why I was sitting in my car out side his house. I know it was stupid and he was probably going through a faze but I couldn't help this feeling.

Zayn's POV

"You don't have to move out you know" I stated to Francis. He looked up at me from his suite case.

"Yes I do" he chuckled "El's going to have a baby, you guys are going to need the room. Besides I'm going to be sharing an apartment with Carter and Jesse" I sighed in defeat.

"Are you sure?" He nodded while finishing packing. 

"Thanks by the way" he stated. "For everything" I nodded and gave him a man hug.

I helped Carter and Francis load everything in the car. I pulled Carter to the side before he left "Look after him. Both of them" He nodded "I mean it Car. We may be friends again but if you get those boys in trouble or cause them any trouble, I will forget being your friend." I made it clear to him.

"I know, I see them as brothers, like you do" He stated.

Once they left I walked back into the house and went to Asher's room where he was playing with his toys with Lucas. "Hi boys" They looked up at me and smiled.

"Uncle Zee come play!" Lucas held up a truck for me to control I sat down next to Lucas and started to pretend to make car noises and drove it up Asher's arm to his head.

Louis' POV

I fell asleep while outside of Seth's house. I felt stupid for doing so. I woke up from a slam of the front door. I shot up in my sleep and saw Scott holding Seth in his arms. He turned back to a man in a white singlet, tucked into his blue jeans, his beer belly hanging out slightly.

"Fine leave, just like Summer did!" The man yelled "Leave like your mother did, but there is no way I'm letting you take Seth!" The man, who I'm starting to think is their father, came outside of the house and grabbed Seth by the arm pulling him from Scott causing him to scream out in pain and land on the floor.

The man held up a knife to Scott when he tried to get Seth back. I jumped out of my car and ran across the yard to Scott and Seth "HAY!" I yelled all three looked at me, Seth got up from his stunned father and ran to me. I picked him up and held him to my chest as he started to cry. Scott also came up to my side.

"Who the hell are you?" The man asked snarling at me.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson and who are you?" I asked raising my eyebrow towards him.

"I'm there father an-" I cut him off.

"Some father you are, Seth is crying and you pulled a knife to Scott!" I gave Seth to Scott "Get in the car" I then turned to their 'father' "Best expect a visit from the police" I stated and walked to my car. I got in and started to drive, once we were far enough from their house I stopped the car and looked in the back. Seth was asleep and Scott was looking out the window "How long has that been going on for?" I asked.

He looked at me and shrugged "Since I was Seth's age" He looked down at Seth and sighed "My Pop died and my dad lost it, blamed me, all because I was the only one with him when it happened." He then looked at me again "He decided he liked it and continued it with Summer and Seth. My mum had enough and took Summer a just after Tyler's birthday, it just got worse from there." I sighed and faced the front. "Why where you outside our house by the way?" He asked.

"I was worried about Seth, Tyler said he was acting weird" I started to drive again.

"Our dad said he wasn't aloud any friends" I heard him chuckle "Seth distance himself from Tyler and his friends. I on the other hand made sure my dad saw me with my friends, laughing and being a teenager. He wasn't too happy about that though" I looked at him in the review mirror, he was looking at Seth's head which was on his lap.

"You guys can stay at our house, Francis and Carter just moved out and I'm sure Tyler wouldn't mind sharing with Seth" I stated.

"You don't have to do us any favours" He stated.

"I'm not" was the last thing that was said during the rest of the ride to our house. Once we got to the house they went to Tyler's room while I explained everything to the boys and El. 

I then called 999 and reported their father for child abuse and neglect. Once we had dinner, Tyler and Seth went and played in Tyler's room. I showed Scott to his room. He was quiet, really quiet. "You okay?" He looked up at me and nodded.

"Yeah, I just feel weird" he sat on the bed and looked up at me "My dad used to beat me every night, instead, I get dinner and I get to relax here" I half smiled.

"Best get used to it Scott" He smiled and I walked out of the room.

Later that night I went to tell Tyler and Seth to go to bed and saw then on the floor asleep. I smiled and picked them up one at a time and put them in their beds. I then checked on Scott. He was in bed, the top half was bare and had no blankets over it. I could see the bruising and scarring caused by his father.

I then went to bed my self. I didn't sleep that night, not after seeing the bruises on Scott's chest. El was tucked under my arm, fast asleep. In the morning I drove the boys to school and then drove Scott to the police office so he could do a statement against his father.

I then drove him to his school, once he was finished. We had a recording session after I was finished, so I drove back to the house picked up Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall and drove to the recording studio. I didn't expect Simon to be there though. "You're going on tour!" He smiled as he announced to us.

I looked at the boys and we all looked at Simon "WHAT!" We all yelled at the same time. Don't get me wrong I love going on tour and seeing our fans, it was just not the right time. What with Seth and Scott just moving in, El about to have a baby and the kids are young still.

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