Chapter Seven

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Amanda ------->

Harry's P.O.V.

“SUPERMAN!!” I woke up startled, I looked at my door and saw a very hyperactive Tyler smiling at me, he came in and jumped on my bed “Uncle Haz!! we're going to the water park today!!” I smiled and sat up looking at him.

He plopped onto my bed sitting down and smiled “Did Lou send you in here?” he nodded, I chuckled and picked him up “Let's go get Lucas” I walked into Luke's room and got him up “Ty can you help him get dressed?” he nodded so I put him down and went to go get ready.

I put my swim trunks on with a singlet top, I grabbed my flip flops and went to check on Ty and Lucas, they both wore similar things to me, I smiled and raced them to the kitchen letting them win, of course.

I picked up Lucas, putting him in a booster seat and feeding him “Gypsy food!” I yelled for the cat, it came waddling through, I put some food in it's bowl and topped up it's water. The boys came through and ate breakfast then pilled into the car and set off.

Lucas, Tyler and Hunter wanted to go on one of the water slides, me, Louis and Liam took them up, I sat down on the slide with Lucas in front of me and slid down, Lucas was giggling all the way down, I had put floaties on his arms because he couldn't swim yet.

We hit the pool of water and Lucas was still giggling, I got him out and he was boucing in my arms “Again!” he smiled.

“Let daddy catch his breath first” I said while breathing, I looked up and saw Mattie and Riley with two adults, Riley saw me and came running, causing the other three to chase after her, I bent down and Lucas waved “Hey Riley” she smiled.

“Your all wet” she giggle touching my hair.

“Not again” I looked up at Mattie and smiled.

I stood up and smirked “Oh come on you love seeing me” Lucas giggled and reached out for Mattie, she took him and looked at me.

“These are my parents Mike and Lilly-Anne” I nodded and shook there hands.

“I'm Harry” I said smiling, they smiled and said 'I know' Lucas came back to me and started to say 'Again' over and over again.

“Luke” Hunter came over and held his hand out to him “Uncle Lou is taking us up again” he explain I put him down and he went with Hunter hand in hand.

“That is too cute” Liam said coming up to us “Hi I'm-” he was cut off by Riley saying 'Liam Payne' and squealing “You must be Riley” and then looked at Mattie “And your Mattie” she nodded and smiled “Well me and Harry here were about to get something to eat your welcome to come” they said 'thank you but no' we walked to the food stand and got some hot chips and waited by the slides.

Liam's P.O.V.

Louis came out with a crying Lucas and a worried looking Tyler but no Hunter “where's Hunter?” I asked worried out of my mind.

“I don't know, one minute he was there the next he wasn't” I ran to the slides and looked at where the stair case was, I couldn't find him any where. I ran to the bottom of the stair case and looked back and forth thinking of where he would go, I remembered him saying something about some cotton candy, I went to the stand and asked if they had seen him, they said yes but he didn't come over.

“Daddy!” I turned and he ran over to me, I hugged him tight, he hugged equally as tight “I wanted you to come on the slide again, but I got lost”

“You should have told Uncle Lou” he nodded then hugged me again.

“This lady helped me find the slide again.” he pointed to a girl I didn't notice before, she had velvet red hair, beautiful brown eyes and a cute button nose, she was wearing denim shorts, with a pink bikini top and a blue plaid button up top she left undone, she also had a sponge bob back pack on.

“Thank you..” I trailed off not knowing her name, she realised I didn't know her name after a while and smiled.

“I'm Amanda” she shook my hand “And it's okay, I recognised him from the interview you guys did and he was about to cry so I got him some cotton candy and took him back here” she explained cheerfully.

“Again thank you” she smiled revelling her straight white teeth “How can I repay you?” I asked trying to find a way to repay her for keeping my boy safe.

“How about I babysit sometimes? I need the money and I'm pretty sure you'll need your alone time” she said completely serious.

I looked at Hunter “How about it? Want her as your new babysitter?” he nodded “Okay you have a deal” she gave me her number and when she was available, she waved at Hunter and said good bye then left.

“Well she's perky” I said chuckling a bit and taking Hunter who looked like he was about to crash out towards the others.

“Hunter!!” Lucas cheered when he saw I had Hunter who was now asleep in my arms.

“shh his asleep” I said putting Hunters top back on him as well as his hat.

“we should head home then, Tyler fell asleep too, Zayn call, him and Niall are heading back to the car, Cody hit his head and started to cry” I nodded and we went to the car. Louis drove home and Harry had shot gun.

I put Hunter to bed and laid down for a nap, I woke up to the sound of my phone going off “Hello?” I asked with my groggy voice, I chuckled slightly when I saw Asher was asleep next to me.

“Liam it's Simon, I need you and the boys to come to a morning interview with out the kids, you can leave them-”

I cut him off “We have a babysitter” I said remembering about Amanda “When is it?” I questioned he chuckled before replying 'Wednesday' “Okay See ya” I hung up then dialled Amanda.

“Hello, this is Amanda who may I ask is speaking?” I could tell that she was smiling.

“Liam” I said.

“Oh, hi I didn't expect to hear from you so soon, what can I do for you?” I explained to her that I needed her to babysit “Sure” she said chuckling.

“Cool, Me and Louis will take Ty and Hunter to school, so you'll just have Cody, Lucas and Asher to look after.” she paused then asked if she need to know anything “Nope, if there is I'll put it on the fridge” she said okay, I hung up and laid back down, Asher cuddled up to me and held my shirt.

“That's cute” I looked up at Zayn who was taking photo's “I'll go check on Hunter okay?” I nodded and he walked out chuckling.

I picked up Asher and took him to the kitchen, Niall was making dinner tonight “Whatcha you making?” he answered a plain 'spaghetti' I took Asher who was know awake to where Lucas and Tyler were playing with blocks.

I told the boys what was happening on wednesday and told the Amanda was sleeping over on tuesday so she didn't have to wake up earlier then needed, after dinner everyone called it a night and went to bed, Hunter slept in Tyler's room with him because they wanted a 'sleep over' I sisn't complain, it was too cute.

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