Chapter Eighteen - Meet Nova

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Niall's POV

"We've been thinking about it since we found out she was pregnant and we thought that she should be named..." Louis paused at the end.

"Stop taunting us Lou" I whined. He chuckled.

"Nova Jade. Her names Nova Jade Tomlinson" Louis smiled. I could tell he loved the idea of having a daughter. He looked at Tyler "Want to see your sister?" Tyler nodded enthusiastically. They left to see Eleanor and I felt two slim arms wrap themselves around my waist.

"Hey babe" I said as I turned to face Hunter May." We became a thing after our first date. We just clicked. She was funny, the boys and the kids love her. El and the girls get along with her. She could eat just as much as I can, sometimes even more.

After a while Louis brought Nova out to meet us. She was beautiful. Tyler couldn't stop smiling towards his sister. She had bright blue eyes looking at us in awe. Mattie was the first to get to hold her.

Scott's POV (Bet ya didn't see that coming)

I drove the kids home after awhile, everyone else stayed to celebrate. I didn't mind looking after the kids. I always adored kids. Tyler and Seth went to their room with Lucas and played while I took Cody, Asher and Hunter to the living room.

Cody and Asher fell asleep instantly so I carried them to bed. I came back to Toy Story playing. I sat next to Hunter who was overwhelmed with excitement because of the movie. I never really watched that much TV growing up, mainly because I wasn't aloud to. When ever I went to one of my friends house's I did but at home I wasn't.

I heard a crash from the backyard. Hunter looked at me and then to the backyard door. “Stay here” He nodded and looked back at the TV. I got up and slowly went to the door. I peered through the blinds but it was too dark to see what was out there. “Hunter go to your room” I heard him turn the TV off “And tell Seth, Tyler and Lucas to go to sleep” I heard him say 'Okay' I then opened the door and looked around.

I felt a hot breath on my neck and I turned around. I sighed in relief “You bloody scared me” I punched Jasper, my best friend in the arm. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

I led him inside as he shrugged. “I was bored” Jasper was one of those people to make an entry. He had green eyes and black hair.

“Really? You where bored? Why didn't you go to your girlfriends?” I asked in a low voice “Keep it down by the way, the kids are in bed” He smirked.

“Can't believe you got out of there” he shook his head.

“Me neither” I smiled and sat on the sofa.

We watched a bunch of movies until Jasper fell asleep on my shoulder. “Why is Jasper here?” I looked at the hall way and saw Seth.

“Because apparently he was bored” He came up to me and sat facing me on my lap. He looked at Jasper and scrunched up his face.

“He's drooling on you” I scrunched up my face and pushed him off my shoulder and he flopped onto the couch.

“And he still didn't wake up” I chuckled. I then looked at Seth “Speaking of being up, why are you awake?” I asked.

He looked at his hands that held his favourite teddy that I got for his 3rd birthday “I had a nightmare” He looked up at me. “It was about that night he didn't stop hitting you” His chin started to tremble. I pulled him into a hug and rocked back and forth as he started to cry.

I pulled him back and looked at him. “Don't worry that will never happen to any of us ever again, okay?” He nodded and hugged me again. “Want me to tuck you in?” He nodded. I stood up while carrying him to his room.

I tucked him in and re-entered the lounge room to see Liam and Harry looking at Jasper who was on the floor still asleep “Um...who is that?” Liam asked looking at me.

“Sorry, he just showed up and then fell asleep” I chuckled slightly. I walked up to him and smacked his forehead. “He's a heavy sleeper” I looked at them.

“We can see that.” Harry stated. I could tell they didn't like the fact he was here, which I respected, I just needed to tell my self they wont hit me.

“Jasper, someone kissed Stella” He shot up and looked at me.

“Who?” I chuckled.

“And he's awake” Harry said. Jasper looked at Harry and Liam and went red.

“Sorry, I...Sorry” He stumbled for words.

“Dude, it's late, go home before your mum has a heart attack because she doesn't know where you are” He smiled at me before leaving.

“Oh and by the way Scott” He turned to me “Reece was asking about to yesterday” He stated. I rolled my eyes and shut the door. Reece was a girl who has had a crush on me ever since year two.

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