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*Brad P.O.V*

We grabbed all our stuff together quickly, packing everything up to get out of the venue as quickly as possible.

"Alright boys, and Maddie, are we nearly ready?" Joe called down the corridor, and slowly one by one we all emerged from our dressing rooms with our stuff, ready to leave.

We couldn't leave separately - there was a large group of fans outside near the tour buses waiting, so going out one by one or in small groups would make it more difficult.

I picked up my stuff and followed Tris out of the dressing room, leaving Con in there alone. James had already left, he's always been the fastest to get ready to leave after our gigs. Maddie had her own dressing room down the complete opposite end to ours, next door to Harvey's, which is where she is currently at.

We went to stand with Joe - practically everyone except Maddie, Blake and Con were here. I could still hear fans inside the venue chatting and singing away between themselves. The noise was slowly dying down; fans were either at the merch stall or slowly fusing to outside.

Moments later, Blake walked out of their dressing room.

"Ah, now we just wait upon the Ball siblings." Joe said.

"I'll go and check on Maddie." I said, and Joe nodded. I walked down to Maddie's dressing room and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Maddie said. "Sorry, I'm on my way out-" She turned around and saw me. "Oh, hi babe. I thought you were Joe or someone." Maddie laughed.

"Hi." I laughed along with her. "Need any help?"

"Oh, yes please, if you're offering." Maddie smiled. "I just need to chuck all this stuff into my bag and then I'm done." She said, and I put my bag down and went to help her with hers.

Once it was packed, I turned to her, smiling. "This is just about all the privacy we're going to get so I just wanted to take the time to say that you did amazing out there today. I'm so proud of you, and I'm so happy that you chose to not only come on another tour with us, but also sing with me. So thank you."

Maddie smiled, taking hold of both my hands and looking at me dead in the eye. "Bradley Will Simpson, there is no one in this earth that I would rather be doing this with than you. Thank you for letting me come on tour and also sing with you."

"The fans love you, you know. Although, not as much as I love you." I said.

"I know, I know." Maddie chuckled. "It's cute. You're cute."

"Lovebirds, hate to break the private meeting up but we have a venue to leave and a bus to get on." I heard Joe shout down the corridor.

"Shoot, we should go." Maddie said.

"I momentarily forgot that we were meant to be leaving. That's the whole reason I came here in the first place." I laughed.

"No, I really thought you came especially to see me." Maddie said sarcastically.

"Shut up." I nudged her and laughed as we both grabbed our bags and walked out of the room hand in hand.

We all made causal chit chat between ourselves until we reached the doors of the venue. Several security guards were ready and waiting to escort us to our bus. Once the doors opened, we walked out and the screaming started.

In a blur, I heard girls screaming all different names, flashes of cameras going off and paper and pens flying around. All of us stopped to say hello, take selfies and give autographs. This was a part of our job I loved - seeing and meeting fans. It's the least we can do, after all they're the sole reason we are where we are today.

Many people wanted selfies with both me and Maddie in them, and I could see by Maddie's face she was both shocked and honoured to have fans actually want her in the pictures. I mean that in a nice way too, she's not used to the attention like me and the lads get. Throughout it all up until now, she's been mainly ignored whenever we're out together unless the people we bump into are genuine fans of hers as well. Other than that, she usually gets pushed aside and forgotten about.

Her face was all bright and smiley, and I could see how much it meant to her to have people actually excited to see her. And I loved it as well. She was making the fans happy, and they were making her happy. What more can I ask for?

After several minutes, we all had to slowly depart, saying our goodbyes to the fans and getting onto the bus.

"Wowie." I said once the door had closed.

"Tonight was mad!" Connor said, slumping down on the sofa.

"Agreed! What a great way to start off tour!" James said.

"I really enjoyed being out there tonight. Thank you for the opportunity lads." Harvey said, smiling.

"Thank you from us too. Your fans have such great energy, we always love doing shows with you." Blake said.

"It's not a problem." I said. "All four of you are mega talented and deserve it."

"Not to cut that conversation short at all BUT..." Connor said. "Can we talk about my sister tonight up on that stage, belting out the songs and putting on a right old performance?!" Connor said, making Maddie laugh and look away, blushing.

"Yes, Maddie, I'm shocked. You were insane!" Reece said.

"I must admit, I'd never heard you sing before tonight and I thought you were amazing." Harvey said.

"Thank you." Maddie smiled. "I don't have an awful lot of experience at it, I've only mainly sang to myself in my bedroom and occasionally posted a video of myself singing online but that's it."

"Well you should start." Harvey said.

"Release an album." Reece said. "We could have a joint album. The Reece and Maddie album."

Everyone laughed.

"Why can I see you two making that into a real thing." Connor shook his head.


As of Monday I will not be posting new chapters at like 2:30am... cuz I'll be back at school and that'll seriously mess up my sleep schedule.

Anyway, hope everyone is well and thank you for reading! <3

Ebony xx

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