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chapter two: police station

After the group of agents talked amongst themselves for a while, most of them left the room and possibly the police station. All except Spencer. Instead, he pulled out a map and started studying it.

"So I'm guessing you were left behind to look after me,"

"Yes and no. I'm working on a geographic profile to locate where the unsub is keeping his victims," he answered not even looking up.

"Did you find him or her?" I asked. He looked up from the map and gave me a questioning look.

"Did you find the last victim's body?" I asked more clearly.

"No, but he has been missing for a few days," he answered.

Maybe there's still a chance for him. and maybe there's still a chance for me if the unsub is not looking for me yet.

All of a sudden Spencer's phone rang. He picked it up almost immediately and he left the room. When he came back I could tell something was up.

"They found him," he said fidgeting with the phone in his hands. He finally looked up, "h-he didn't make it."

I threw my head back against my chair and let out a sigh. "How long until he comes looking for me?" I ask in a small voice.

"Well, serial killers usually have cooling-off periods and it depends on the person, but this specific unsub doesn't have a cooling-off period which means..." Spencer trailed off

"He's already looking for me." I finish for him.

He nods his head and says "you're in the safest possible place right now, no one will let anything happen to you. I-i won't let anything happen to you."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I say in almost a whisper.

He sighed and sat in the seat across the table from me. He reached out for my fidgeting hands and took hold of them.

"We'll catch him," he said and looked deep into my eyes. 

If I wasn't being hunted by a serial killer I would have noticed how beautiful his hazel eyes are. Well, I am being hunted by a serial killer and I still noticed, I noticed the minute he stepped into my office at work actually. 

He gave my hands a reassuring squeeze and let go after a moment of complete silence and looking into each other's eyes. He cleared his throat and went back to working on the geographic profile and I continued working on my way less important stuff.

Just cause my life is in danger doesn't mean I have to turn in these prepositions late.


An hour later a few of the FBI agents that I met earlier had come back and started discussing, what I assume is about the serial killer who is loose in this part of the state.

Has there ever been a serial killer in Virginia before?

"Hey, how you holding up?" a kind and friendly voice asks. I looked up and saw the blonde I met earlier. Jennifer, I think.

"As good as I can be with a serial killer hunting me."

"Okay," she said taking a seat next to me "your like freakishly calm in this situation,"

"Yeah, i-i have a problem not believing something until I see it," I say turning towards her.

"So you don't think you're a target?"

"No I do, and that's why I make such awful jokes."

"Like the one, you said when you walked in here earlier?" she asked raising her eyebrows

"Yeah, I am so sorry about that, it just came out," I said and we broke out into a small fit of laughter.

We continued conversating for a little before she had to get back to work which left me to my wandering thoughts.

"Hey," I heard someone say, pulling me out of my head.

"Hi," I said softly after I saw who it was.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Yeah, I'm just... Stuck in my head I guess."

"About?" he asked, taking a seat.

"I know it sounds cliche, you know, you hear you're in danger and you start thinking about your life. But here I am, thinking about my life."

"What about your life?" he asks

I don't know if it's cause I'm not sure I'll live past tomorrow or cause I've kinda created a bond with spencer, but I feel fine opening up to him. And I never open up to anyone.

"How I've barely lived it... I'm almost 30 and my life's totally predictable, I do the same things every day. I go to work, go home, then I wake up the next day and go to work again. I'm just... plain."

"I don't think your plain," he said trying to make me feel better.

"Oh but I am. I've never really lived up to my name... it means-"

"Full of life," he interrupted me. I looked up at him from my fidgeting hands and nodded.

"You don't have to let that be your life anymore." he continued.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing.

"W-well what I mean is that you don-" he was cut off by everything going black. the lights in the whole police station went out. I heard him stand up quickly and he clicked a flashlight on and pointed it at me.

"V-Vivian, Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, w-what happened?" he walked towards me and held his hand out to me. I took it and stood up.

"I don't know, but I don't like it. Stay close behind me, okay?"

"Okay," I whispered, fear rising in me.

The lights suddenly came back on and I noticed how close I was standing to spencer. But before I had time to make a fool out of myself by turning extremely red or making a ridiculous joke a shout rang out from the bullpen of the police station.


A/N: oooh a cliffhanger (I'm sure by the time anyone reads this the next part will be up. maybe even the rest of the story) be sure to enjoy. also, comment and vote!

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now