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Chapter six: MRI machines

Still spencers pov

It was Vivian. She was unconscious lying against a tree. Her shirt was stained with blood and her skin was covered with goosebumps. I quickly kneeled in front of her and tried to wake her but she wouldn't wake up. I took her pulse and could feel it, but it was faint.

"We gotta get her to a hospital JJ," I said, picking Vivans cold body up from the ground. JJ agreed and we quickly got back to the car. I laid Vivian down in the backseats and held her head in my lap. I took off my sweater and put it over her body.

"Turn up the heat," I told JJ and she did so.

"Then ambulance is 10 minutes out," JJ informed me. We both agreed we can't wait that long and she started to drive quickly to the nearest hospital. I occasionally looked down at Vivian to see if she woke up yet but nothing. I stroked her hair out of her face.

JJ pulled into the emergency entrance and I got out holding Vivian. I rushed in and yelled for help.

"Sir, what happened?" a doctor asked me as she came over with a gurney. I laid Vivian down carefully. "She was kidnapped, then escaped. We found her in the woods unconscious."

"TAKE HER TO TRAUMA ONE. We're going to do everything we can, you can wait in the waiting room down there," she said pointing to an area filled with chairs as other doctors pull the gurney, with Vivian on it, into a room. I stood there frozen for a second, watching through the window how they ran around the room trying to figure out what was wrong with Vivian. I was sucked back into reality when JJ pulled me over to the waiting area to sit and wait. And that's what we did, we waited.

Vivian's pov

When I woke up I wasn't in the dark cold scary woods anymore. I was in something that looked like a tube. I started freaking out wondering where I was when I heard a voice trying to calm me down.

"Ms. Jackson, I need you to calm down and stop moving. You're safe now, you're in the hospital and right now you're in our MRI machine. I need you to stop moving hun, so the machine can get an accurate read. I'm right here, talk to me." a soft voice said. I took a few deep breaths before I started talking.

"How d-did I get here?"

"2 agents brought you in, they said they found you unconscious in the woods," she answered. We continued making small talk for the next 20 or so minutes. I learned that the doctor's name was Jen and that she has two kids, a boy, and a girl. Luckily she asked no questions about me being kidnapped but asked 'small talk questions' in the lines of my job, family, or any relationships.

When the twenty minutes were up she took me out of the MRI machine and up to a room. She told me that I wasn't badly hurt and that I just bruised my kidneys and have a small concussion. She also told me that I have to rest for the next couple of weeks and will be prescribed some painkillers. I thanked her then she gave me a warm smile and left. A couple of minutes later a nurse walked in and told me I had a visitor.

"Visitor?" I asked, shocked by her words.

"Yes, he says he is an agent," she said shifting onto her left leg from the doorway. "Can I send him in?"


"Um... y-yes. Thank you."

The nurse then left and returned a few minutes later guiding someone into the room. I kept my eyes down, even when he walked into the room and up to the bed I was in. I'm sure he was pissed off that I gave myself up to the unsub.

Wait, did they catch him?

"We caught him," Spencer spoke softly as if he was reading my mind. "Thanks to you."

"I'm sure you guys would've caught him without me," I said, finally looking up at him. I took looking into his hazel eyes for granted. I will never take them for granted again.

"Vivian," he said softly.

"I know," I started cutting him off. "I know what I did was 'stupid' and 'dangerous' but I couldn't let anything happen to the girl he was holding hostage. Not when I could've stopped it."

Spencer averted his eyes from me and looked down at the floor. He knew what I was saying made sense and if he was in my situation he would've done the same thing, FBI agent or not.

"I'm just glad you're okay." he finally said. "You are okay, right?"

"Yes," I said, a grin starting to form on my face. "Just a bruised kidney and a small concussion, but other than that I'm fine."

"Good," he said, returning the smile.

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now