t h i r t e e n

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Chapter Thirteen: BAU Ball

"Pen, pen, pen, pen, pen, pen!" I said when I got an incoming call from Penelope.

"Hey, sugar cakes! I have a question for you,"


"What are you doing tonight?" she asked. She was probably going to invite me to the BAU ball.

"Spencer invited me to the ball you guys are having tonight," I answered, remembering that I still have t decide what to wear, so I walked over to my closet and skimmed through my clothing.

"Oh! Grea- wait spencer invited you?" she asked.

"Um, yeah that's what I said."

"How did he invite you? Did he ask you as a friend or somethin-?"

"Penelope, it's Spencer. I'm not sure he knows on what terms he asked me. I'm going because I'm sick of staying home and I think attending a ball with my friends is a great idea. plus, I'm excited to see everyone dresses up and stuff, speaking of I have no idea what to wear."


We stayed on the phone for over an hour, switching to a video call so we could pick out our dresses together. I'm happy that my small collection of fancy dresses were enough to pick from, and when I mean small I mean less than 5 dresses that could suffice for tonight. And when I say tonight, I mean in 2 hours which means that it's time to get ready.

I hopped into the shower and scrubbed myself clean from head to toe. I decided to go for a simple hair and makeup look. I blow-dried my hair making sure that it was voluminous and I left it down. 

For my makeup look, I just applied my normal concealer and foundation and stuff and added a dramatic winged 'cat' eyeliner look. I added some mascara, highlight, and lip gloss. I then entered my bedroom and grabbed the dress I was going to wear. 

Penelope helped me decide to wear a long sleeve dark green chiffon dress that reached the floor and had a slit coming up. I thought it was going to be too much before I saw Penelope's dress, now I feel like I'm going to be underdressed. I put the dress on and grabbed my black heels. I didn't put them on because I still had to drive, so I placed them next to my black clutch.

"7:30, I have to get going," I mumbled to myself. I grabbed my stuff and headed to my rental car. Since the car accident wasn't my fault, my insurance was covering the rental until I got mine fixed.


"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Hey Viv, are you on your way?" spencer asked.

"Yep, I'm pulling up into the parking lot now, I'll see you very soon."


I parked my car in the lot and put on my shoes before repealing my lip gloss. I got out of the car and walked towards the building. I showed the security guard my plus one 'badge' and he let me enter, not before looking me up and down, in a non- 'security guard-ly' way.

"Ugh, men," I said under my breath as I entered the elevator.

"Tell me about it," another woman who was attending the ball said.

The elevator doors opened revealing the BAU floor which was now decorated beautifully. The desks were moved out of the center of the bullpen and now there was a 'dance floor. There were smaller tables scattered throughout where people were sitting and talking. There also were lights bulbs hung from the ceiling that was the only source of light, so the whole room was lit with a soft yellow light. People were dressed beautifully, men in tux's and suits, women in breathtaking gowns. I scanned around the room to find my 'date' wondering how he looked until my eyes met his and my breathing hitched.

Spencer's pov

Tonight is the night, tonight is the night I tell Vivian how I feel. I have it all planned out. When a slow song comes on I'll ask her to dance and while we're on the dance floor I'll tell her how I feel about her.

She told me that she had arrived and now I'm keeping an eye out while I'm in conversation with Derek and his girlfriend Savannah.

"Man, you alright?" Derek asks when savannah gets pulled away by one of the girls.

"I'm gonna tell her," I said, my eyes sweeping over the room again before I turned to Derek "I'm gonna tell Vivian."

"My man!" he cheered as he pats my shoulder, roughly I shall say. His eyes then shifted behind me before he tilted his head in that direction "go get 'em, tiger."

I turned around and there she was, looking around the decorated bullpen with a smile plastered on her face. She looked... wow. Words can't even express how beautiful she looked.

"Wow," I breathed, and then her eyes met mine.

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now