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chapter three: Frank


I looked up at spencer and he could see the fear in my eyes. He reached to his waist and pulled out his gun. He slowly made his way to the door after telling me to stay where I am. He took a peek through the slightly open door. He looked back at me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"He's here and he's holding a hostage at gunpoint. He's determined to finish the list," he told me, muttering that last part more to himself.

"Frank, you don't have to kill her, she's innocent." I heard a familiar voice say to the unsub, Alex I assume.

"SHE DIES IF I DONT GET VIVIAN" Frank yelled, getting agitated.

"Talk about anger problems," I mumbled to myself.

"I think I can get a shot," spencer said looking through the door again. He turned back to me "stay here, I will be right back." I nodded in response. He slowly opened the door and cautiously walked out being unseen. I walked closer to the door to see exactly what was happening.

 Spencer was right, there was a man in near the door of the bullpen with a young woman in his arms at gunpoint. She looked terrified, between being held at gunpoint and the group of agents and officers pointing their guns at her. The unsub was using her body as a shield.

 When I looked closer at him, I noticed him. He tried to have a conversation with me a few weeks ago but I brushed him off since I was going to be late to work if I talked to him. And now this innocent girl might die.

No. I cannot let that happen.

I poked my head out and down the hall to see if Spencer could get a shot. When I saw him sigh in disappointment I realized there was nothing the agents or officers could do, but there was something I could do. I quickly went back into the room and rummaged through my bag for a piece of paper and a pen. I scribbled something down and folded it writing Spencer on the top.

I grabbed a hair tie from my bag and took off my apple watch. I separated the band from the body of my watch and securely tied it in my hair with the hair tie. I made sure it was secure before I walked back towards the door and took a deep breath.

 I looked back into the bullpen and saw that everyone had not moved an inch. I took a few more deep breaths and slowly made my way out. As I walked across the hallway I hear Spencer whisper yell, telling me it's not safe, but I ignored him because I'm sure he could talk me out of it.

"VIVIAN PLEASE," he whispered. But I kept on walking and I reached the bullpen. I slowly put my hands up and entered.

"It's me you want, let her go," I said as I slowly made my way to the front.

"What are you doing?" JJ asked as I passed her, but I continued until I was in front of the unsub.

"Well hello, remember me?" he asked, with a cold and evil smirk on his lips.

"Yes. now let her go," I said.

"As you wish,"

He pushed the girl away from him the same time he pulled me right in front of him, now using me as his shield. When he spun me around I saw that spencer entered the bullpen with his gun ready to fire in case he could get a shot.

"IF YOU FOLLOW US I WILL SHOOT HER RIGHT ON THE SPOT" frank yelled as he pulled me backward, walking us out of the station. I made eye contact with spencer and I could see- what was it? Fear? In his eyes for a second before he mouthed 'we will find you,'

I gave him a weak smile and mouthed back 'i know'

One way or another,

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now