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A/N: whenever there are slanted words that means it's Vivian's thoughts. enjoyyy : ))

Chapter One: That Day

If I was asked 'would you take it all back?' would I? I guess that's the question of the day. Would you? My day started out ordinary, as always. My alarm rang at exactly 6:30 am and I forced myself out of bed. Just like every other morning.

I got ready and wore my usual plain black pantsuit. I got into my car and drove to the local coffee shop I go to every morning. I ordered my black coffee and waited for it to be made. "Good Morning Ms.Jackson," the barista greeted as she handed me my coffee. "Good morning," I said and walked out of the shop. Just like every other morning.

Some people would say my life was predictable, that I do the same things every day. I guess that's true. All my days go the same way, go to work, come home and read the same book every night. I never had a problem doing the same things every day.

I never thought it was weird, I always thought it was weird that people can go about their day not knowing what they're going to do. I could never do that, even breaking my routine for something important makes me feel uneasy.

Today was different though. I was in the middle of my weekly data report for work in my office when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in," I said, not looking up.

"Vivian Jackson, can we have a word with you?" I look up and see two men in the doorway.

"Um- yeah," I said as I closed my computer so that the men know that they have my attention. "Please take a seat."

When they sat down I got a good look at them both. One is light-skinned and muscular, the other a tall lanky Caucasian man.

"Ms. Jackson, I'm SSA Derek Morgan and this is Dr. Spencer Reid. we're BAU profilers in the FBI."

"What can I do for you two?" I asked sitting up straighter.

Profilers? For the FBI?

"We, um- we have reason to believe that you're a target for a local serial killer. We would like to take you back to the police station where you will be safe." The doctor spoke.

"Me? Why would someone want to kill me?" I asked.

I mean I don't do anything, I work and go home then go to work again the next day. I never break a routine. So why now, of all times, would someone want me dead?

"I know it's a lot to take in right now, we'll explain more when we get to the station but we should leave right now." SSA Morgan said standing up, Dr. Reid following

"O-okay," I say grabbing my bag after placing my laptop in it. They led the way out and to a black-tinted SUV. I got into the back and we drove to the police station.


I followed close behind the two men as we entered the police station, we walked into a room that had a table with multiple chairs and a board filled with pictures and writings. They told me I could wait here until they come back. I sat down in one of the chairs in the corner of the room and waited. I pulled out my laptop and continued what I was doing before the FBI agents told me my life was in danger.

"Here," the lanky doctor offered as he placed a cup of coffee down on the table.

"Thank you, Dr. Reid," I said, adding sugar to the black liquid.

"You don't have to call me d-doctor, Spencer or Reid is fine," he told me as he took a seat on the other side of the table.

"Okay, thank you, Spencer. So, why is someone after me?"

"We um- found the unsubs hit list and you were the only person left on the list."


"Oh um- unsub means unknown subject," he answered and I nodded my head.

"Do you guys know why I'm on the hit list?"

"No, not necessarily. We've profiled this unsub to get triggered to um- kill rather easily. It could've been not saying hello back when you passed him on the street, anything small like that. He then stalks the victims and takes them when no one is around."

He looked up after there was a moment of silence and saw me just sitting there in shock.

"I-I'm sorry, I have this habit of rambling." he apologized.

"No i-its fine," I said standing "I'm just going to go to the restroom."

"o-okay, down the hall second door to the right."

When I entered the bathroom I stood in front of the mirror staring at myself.

I'm being targeted by a serial killer, Damn.

I splashed cold water on my face then patted it dry then re-entered the room I was previously in. Now the room was filled with people who I assume are FBI agents. There were 2 other men other than Agent Morgan and Spencer.

One was a tall man with black hair and he had a stern serious look on his face. The other was an olive-tone man who was a little shorter and had grey hair coming in. There were also two women in the room. One was a petite blonde with bright blue eyes. The other was an older woman with reddish hair.

I walked in and everyone turned their attention towards me. I felt uncomfortable under the attention so I did the one thing that I cannot stop whenever I'm uncomfy.

"Um- hello, I'm Vivian Jackson. Your next potential victim."

*mental facepalm*

I heard a few chuckles then they all introduced themselves, promising that they won't let anything happen to me.

"We'll see about that," I muttered to myself quietly.

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now