f i f t e e n

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".. you'll do everything we say." by now people were silently freaking out. The agents weren't allowed t bring their guns and all the guns that have been hidden in the bullpen have been removed.

"Now, no playing hero. If any of you try to do something stupid... no one gets the antidote... Alright alright, under your glasses you'll see a bank account number, you'll transfer all your savings and checkings into there. Then take off all your pretty pretty jewelry and place them on your tables. Then sit quietly and don't talk, otherwise..." he lifted his gun and pretended to shoot himself. "Boom."

At that last statement, you could hear everyone's breathing hitch. I looked back around the table and I could see the slight panic in the team's eyes. I felt someone grasp my hand and I turned to see spencer look me in the eyes. He slightly squeezed my hand as if to say 'it'll be alright. I'm not sure I believe him.

I took a deep breath and started doing what the men told us. Jokes on them, I don't have that much money in my bank account and all the jewelry I'm wearing is fake so... ha. 

All of a sudden a guy started seizing.

"Oh I remember him, he came to the party an hour early. Was served our first glass of champagne. 60 minutes left and counting!"

If people weren't panicking yet, they sure are now. When people tried to help the poor man seizing on the floor, they unsubs would point their guns at them and make them sit back down. Beside me, savannah was trying to get up but Derek wouldn't let her.

"Derek I can help, I'm a doctor," she whispered.

"Savanah, they'll shoot you before you get to him. Just sit down, please," she nodded and sat back down. That poor man was left to die and no one was allowed to save him.

Beside me, I could see spencer raking through his brain for something. Then he found the answer in the encyclopedia that is his brain. His eyes starting sweeping through the room and that's when I realized he had a plan.

"Spencer, stop it," I whispered. He turned towards me confused. "Stop making a plan that'll result in you getting hurt."

"Vivian, I have to do something. I can't let all these people get hurt. I can't let you get hurt."

"They can't be stupid enough to harm all these FBI agents. If we listen then they might give us the antidote," I argued.

"Might. It's not insured"

"Yeah well, you not dying isn't insured either." I snapped.

The leader made his way off stage and over to our table, playing around with his gun. "Now what's going on over here?" he asked, walking towards Spencer and me.

"Nothing," Spencer muttered.

"I thought I made the rules really simple. No talking," he said, looking at me.

"We weren't talking, we were whispering." I shot back. I could hear everyone's voice in my head telling me that now was definitely not the time.

"Well well," he said, coming up behind me and running the gun across my collarbone and neck. "Looks like we got a smartmouth here. Now let me be crystal clear," he bent down so that his lips were at my ear. 

"I don't want any remarks coming out of your pretty face. It would be such a shame if one girl was the cause that all these agents slept in a morgue instead of their beds tonight," he whispered slowly, then got up and headed towards the front where he watched all the funds roll into his lap.

"Vivian, I'm sorry," Spencer said. My legs worked before my mind did when I stood up faster than spencer. The whole team's eyes were on me. The whole room's eyes were on me. Spencer's eyes were on me, wide in the realization that I was going to cause a distraction so that he could save the day.

"Vivian sit down, please." spencer whispered.

"Could i- um have a word with you?" I asked the leader, whose face read an amused expression.

"Come into my office," he said as he made his way to hotch's office, taking off the rope that was separating the offices from the bullpen. 

I gulped then made my way over to the stairs. I looked back at the table and everyone's face was pale and their eyes widened. 

I definitely the least qualified to talk to an unsub, but here I go.


A/N: did I take this plot from the flash?? yes, yes I did. sorry for the long wait from the last update but I'll try to update more often. do I know where this book is going? no, but I'll figure it out. xoxo

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now