t w e l v e

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Chapter Twelve: Plus One

Back to Vivian's pov

"Ugh," I groaned as I rolled over in my bed, only to bump into a person. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Spencer sleeping peacefully, his mouth was slightly open, and I heard his soft breathing. He looked so calm, compared to last night anything would seem calm, I definitely gave him a scare. 

I turned towards my nightstand and saw that it was 11 am. I slowly got out of bed, making sure that I didn't wake Spencer, and crept into the kitchen to make some breakfast. My head still hurt so I took some painkillers and hopefully it'll go away.

"Viv?" Spencer's raspy voice called out for me, he wandered into the kitchen shortly after.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked pouring coffee into two mugs, filling one of them halfway with sugar and the other with a reasonable amount of sugar and cream.

"no, but the coffee did." he reached over to the counter to grab his cup. When he did my back was facing him and he was standing extremely close, so close that I was able to feel his cool breath on my neck. 

We both kind of froze for a second, feeling each other's presence close by but not too close. He jumped back when Oliver came into the kitchen barking and I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. I regained myself and turned around, "breakfast?"

I never thought anything about how Spence and I are close, I mean why would I? He's my best friend, one of the only people on the face of the earth I'm super close with. But nothing like what happened earlier in the kitchen has ever happened. Ever.

Your thinking too much into it Vivian,

I probably was, after that 'moment' everything went back to normal. We ate breakfast while talking, he asked me questions about the accident and repeatedly asked if I was alright as if he didn't hear me multiple times before claiming that I'm fine, we went into the living room and both read for a while and when we got board we decided to watch some t.v. So, pretty normal.

I guess I fell asleep during the movie because when I woke up the t.v was muted, the light was turned off, and Spencer was missing. I sat up and realized that he must've put a blanket on when I was asleep because I was wrapped in one. I looked towards the coffee table and saw a note on it.


I got called in for a case, but I'd much rather stay with you. Please be careful. Your doctor said to take it easy, so make sure you do. Call me if you need anything. I'm sure Garcia won't mind stopping over if you need something. I'll call you later.




Love, Spencer. 

I'm not going to lie, the ending of the letter made me feel something, more than I'm willing to admit. I really have no idea where all of this is coming from. He's my best friend for crying out loud, I'm probably just thinking too much into it because I was in an accident. My brains not working properly.... Yeah, that's it.


Garcia came later that night and brought some takeout. We talked and watched movies before she left, leaving me to my wandering thoughts. It was late and I was exhausted from doing nothing all day, so I headed to bed.

As I was laying there, I stared at my ceiling, at my very plain white ceiling. "I should put something up there..." I mumbled to myself when my phone rang, causing me to reach over to the nightstand where it was.

"Hello?" I answered, not even attempting to look at the caller id when I picked up.

"Hey, Viv." the exhausted voice of Spencer greeted from the other end of the call.

"Hey, how's the case?"

"Good so far, we have a suspect in custody but Hotch sent us to the hotel for the night."

"Where are you now?" I asked after a few seconds.

"Brighton Vermont."

We talked for a while, him telling me things that I could know about the case and me telling him the things Garcia and I did. We ended the call when both of us were too tired to talk anymore, hanging up with 'goodbyes' and 'goodnights'.


The next night I was on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, enjoying a newly released movie on Netflix when I heard a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" called as got up and walked over to the door.

Before I looked into the peephole, the voice of my favorite person on the planet spoke out "takeout."

I swung the door open revealing Spencer holding a bag of food.

"Hey stranger," I greeted, pulling him onto a hug.

"Hey Viv," he said back.

We walked back into the living room and Spencer placed the food on the table as I went to grab our plates. We watched the movie that I was just starting while we ate. When the movie finished we were caught in conversation. He told me about the case and I talked to him about a book he persuaded me to read. Time flew and before we knew it, it was time for Spencer to leave.

He grabbed his messenger bag and walked towards the door, me following him because he convinced me to always check if the door is locked after someone leaves and now it's become a habit.

"Hey v-Viv, we're having this t-thing at w-wor-" he started stuttering.

"Spencer, breath and then try to talk again."

He took a deep breath, collected his thoughts, and tried again. "We're having this thing at work tomorrow night and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"That's better," I said and we both chuckled, "what thing?"

"It's- here I have the invitation," he said and handed me a fancy-looking invitation as well as a small badge-looking card. I read the invitation and it turns out the BAU was having a fundraising ball, I looked onto the smaller card and it read 'Spencer Reid's plus one'.

"Are you asking me to be your plus one?" I asked, still looking over the invitation. When I didn't get an answer I looked over at him. He had a light blush spread across his cheeks while he slowly nodded. "Yeah, i-if you want to come. There's no one else I'd rather take."

"Awe, I'd love to come."

"Okay great! I'll meet you there at 8?"

"Yep," I said, handing him back the cards. He took the invitation but reminded me that I needed the other to enter. "I'll see you tomorrow Spence,"

"Bye Viv."

I've never been to a ball before, oh boy.

A/N: sorry for not publishing in a while, but I'm back now! get ready for some... exciting?... suspenseful?... climatic?... chapters!

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now