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chapter seven: months

It's been a while, months actually. 4 months to be precise. I've been getting better. Ever since I was discharged from the hospital I was encouraged to talk to a therapist, so I have for the past 4 months. Talking about it really helps, at first I wasn't so into the idea but then it became more and more normal. She's really helped me name what I'm feeling, something that comes really hard for me. I'm also getting less and less nightmares. There are a few nights where I wake up in tears or screaming but I guess it's normal. Like I said, talking about it helps.

I also decided to quit my job, it really didn't make me happy. I realized that life is too short not to be happy, so when I got home I called my boss and told him that 'i respectfully quit'. I got a new job, somewhere that fills me with joy. Around books. I got a job at a bookstore near where I live and I've worked my way up to store manager. I now love going to work, I love being surrounded by books all day.

I also learned to be a little spontaneous and not revolve around a schedule or routine anymore. I randomly visited my family a few times and visited other places. The world is too big of a place to just sit around in the same small city all your life. I also got a puppy. That was a day I was really feeling spontaneous. I got a little puppy named Oliver. He is the light of my life, one of them anyway.

I also got a group of friends, I'm sure you know them. The BAU team. Ever since I was taken they continuously checked up on me. I learned that they lived and worked less than 30 minutes away, so it was pretty easy to stay in contact. They invited me to multiple dinners and club nights. They really made me felt like I was one of them, even though I'm not an FBI profiler.

Other than the team, I've gotten really close to Spencer. He's the main one who has been checking on me months ago. He's my best friend. He's helped me through a lot. Surprisingly he knew how to calm me down when I was having a panic attack. He explained he went through something similar years ago. He got kidnapped and held captive when he was a little younger. He also said he got anthrax poisoning, got shot in the knee, and saw his girlfriend get killed right in front of him. He's been through a lot.

I'm glad that I have spencer, other than my therapist, he's the only person I tell everything to. I'm also glad he feels safe to tell me the horrid things he's been through. It's really not a competition compared to him. Not at all.


Tonight the team is having a team dinner at Agent Rossi's house- scratch that, mansion. They invited me too, they say they like having me along. I've been getting ready for the past 30 minutes. I took a shower, dried and curled my hair, and applied my makeup. Now all I have to do is pick what to do and get dressed. It sounds simple but really, it's not. I walked over to my closet and stood there staring inside. I realized I was standing there too long when Oliver wandered over, looking up at me, tilting his head to the side.

I finally picked out a white long-sleeved ruffled chiffon dress, it contrasted nicely against my olive-skinned tone. I paired my dress with a pair of black high-heeled ankle boots. I layered some gold necklaces and bracelets. I put on some medium gold hoops, it contrasted well against my upper back length dark brown hair. I pulled out a mid-thigh length coat to put on when I left since it was mid-January in Virginia. Yeah, very cold.

I walked over to my living room and grabbed my purse. I picked a small white bag and tossed my belongings I wanted to take with me. As I was slipping on my boots, I heard a knock on my door. Oliver starting barking, knowing who was at the door. To be honest I always get excited when he's at the door too, maybe a little more than Oliver.

I made my way over to the door, not bothering to look through the peephole. I swung the door open facing an incredibly dashing young doctor.

"You know you should check who's at the door before you open it, right?" Spencer greeted, as we hugged.

"Why bother when I know I have multiple FBI friends to save me," I said walking back into my apartment, spencer following.

"Not funny Viv," he said, although he's gotten used to my humor by now.

"Yeah, yeah. My therapist says the same thing," I admitted, earning a chuckle from spencer.

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now