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chapter nine: Always Adored

Spencer's pov

"Oh, nothing," I answered. Vivan chuckled before heading over to the girls who were calling her over. I made my way over to Morgan who was enjoying a cold beer.

"You want one, kid?" he offered.

I shook my head and took a seat next to him. "Driving," I explained simply.

"Ahh, you and Vivian drove here together?"

"Yeah," I said, turning and seeing Vivian laughing, probably at something Garcia said. She's always amused with a tipsy Garcia.

"Doesn't she live like 30 minutes away?" Morgan asked, pulling me back into our conversation.

"Mmhm" I mumbled, sipping a glass of water Rossi just handed me.

"So you're driving half an hour to her place then another half hour to Quantico, just to drop her off?"


"Reid," he said, causing me to look at him instead of at my glass of water. "You like her, don't you?"

"What?!" I said, my voice climbing up 2 octaves. "N-no I don't l-like her. why would you even s-say that?"

"Yeah, whatever you say pretty boy." he laughed, standing up and walking over to the girls.

"Why would he think that?" I muttered to myself.

"Think what?" a voice said behind me, making me jump a little. I turned around to see Vivian smiling guiltily from scarring me. I've always adored her smile.

"Um... n-nothing."

"Okay," she said, sitting down in the seat where morgan was sitting. After she settled down, she turned towards me. "You okay? You look... flushed."

"Y-yeah I'm fine," I said, sounding unconvincing.

"Did Morgan tease you again?" she asked, chuckling.

"Is it that obvious?" I laughed.

"Little bit."

"Here you go, Bella," Rossi said, handing Vivian a glass of wine.

"Grazie! (thank you!)" she said, accepting the glass of sweet red wine. It was always her favorite.

"Don't let it get to you,"

"Hmm?" I asked, getting pulled out of my thoughts.

"What morgan says, it's just his way of showing he cares for you," she said.

"Yeah, thanks Viv." she gave me a warm smile then stood up.

Before walking over to the girls again, she patted my back and said "Anytime pretty boy."

Vivian's pov

After I joined the girls again, the rest of the group came over. The rest of the night was filled with chatter, eating, laughter, and drinks. It was a really nice night. I always love these 'family dinners' at Rossi's. For one he's an amazing cook and has an endless amount of drinks, and being surrounded by some of the closest people to me is something that I always loved.

All night through Spencer has been off. Not in a bad way, but just off. He would stay quiet most of the night, stuck in his head. I'd also catch him looking at me throughout the night. I don't know what is up with him, is it what Morgan teased him about?

"Hey Derek," I said, following him into the kitchen when he got up to get something.

"What's up, smart mouth?" he asked. He gave me that nickname after I made a joke about his masculinity and called me that ever since, to anyone else it might sound rude, but if you understand him in a way that the team and I do, you won't mind the nicknames, at least I don't.

"Nothing, it's just... Spence has been in his head ever since you teased him, and he never gets this affected. I was just wondering what you said to him."

"I think he's stuck in his head because he realized what I said was true and can't get it out of his head."

"Okay... but what did you say?"

"Can't tell you that sugar, you're gonna have to ask him yourself."

"Okay then, I will," I said turning to leave.

"Let me know how it goes!" he called as I left, followed by his loud laughs.

"What was that about?" Blake asked as I took my previous seat.

"Oh... nothing." I dismissed. We turned our attention towards the group where JJ was telling us a funny story about Henry.


"Ready to go?" a familiar voice asked behind me. I turned around and saw Spencer.

"Yeah, let me grab my coat," I said, making my way over to the coat closet where Hotch was grabbing his jacket and getting ready to leave.

"Color?" he asked as I approached.

"Black and long." he pulled out my coat and I accepted it thankfully.

"I'll see you hopefully soon Vivian."

"Bye Aaron, say hi to Jack for me."

"Will do," he said. He gave me a small smile and left.

I reentered the living room area and saw Spencer talking with Morgan. Well more like morgan talking quietly and Spencer's face getting pink. He spotted me and got up. He bid Derek goodnight and I waved bye to him also. We left, saying goodnight to everyone who was left.

Spencer still seemed off during the whole drive. We sat there in silence the whole way back to my apartment.

"Spence, what's wrong?" I asked when he pulled in front of my complex.

"why would anything be wrong?"

"Well I'm not a profiler, but it doesn't take one to see that something is off," I said, grabbing my bag from the floor of the car. "I'm not gonna push you to tell me, but I want you to know you can tell me anything."

"Thanks, Viv, maybe another time."

"And that's totally fine," I said, opening the door. "Goodnight Spence"

"Goodnight Viv," he said, flashing me his smile that I always adored.

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now