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chapter eight: wine and pasta

"Just give me a sec, let me grab my bag." I told him walking into my bedroom where my bag was disposed of on my bed, I heard an 'mhmm' from spencer. I chuckled at how preoccupied he was with Oliver. I grabbed my bag, put on my coat, and spritzed on some perfume before walking back into the living room and saying I was ready to go.

We left my apartment, biding our goodbyes to Oliver, before heading down to the parking lot to Spencer's car. We approached and as I was reaching to open the passenger side door spencer opened it first saying "let me."

"Thank you," I said, curtsying before I entered. Spencer closed the door then entered himself on the driver's side.

"Dr.Reid acting like a gentleman tonight?" I teased "Not that you don't always act like one" I quickly added only receiving a chuckle.

"Well, yes. For the Fairest maiden in the land", he said pulling into a busy street.

"Fairest maiden?" I asked scrunching my nose at what he just called me.

"Yeah... it sounded better in my head," he said, realizing that it sounded weird. We then burst into a fit of laughter.

"What I really meant was you look really nice tonight." spencer said, glazing over at me once we've settled from laughing.

"Thank you, you look really nice too." I complimented back. Spencer looked back at the road and for that, I was grateful because I could feel my cheeks grow hot and a light pink formed on them.

We drove in silence for a few minutes, not a comfortable silence like we're in all the time when we're together. This silence was awkward and suffocating. It felt weird and uncomfortable, two feelings I have never felt around Spencer. As the silence grew more and more unbearable, my phone rang.

"Saved by the phone," I mumbled to myself as I dug around in my purse for my cell. I looked at the caller id and chuckled.

"Let me guess," Spencer said "Garcia," he said glancing over at me.

"You are right again doctor," I told him, showing him my screen. I picked up the phone call and was immediately greeted by multiple people talking over each other.

"One at a time please," I said, after realizing I'm not able to understand anything from the other side of the line.

"Where are you guys?" Penelope whined when she walked away from the rest of the group. I could tell she had one too many glasses of wine already.

"We are on the way," I answered.

"But wherrrreeee?" she whined more.

"Penelope I don't know. You and I both know that if you really wanted to know you could see yourself." I chuckled. Tipsy and drunk Penelope was definitely a sight to see, a funny one too. I'm glad that I met her, she is such a bright and loving human being, it's always so refreshing to be around her. she never lets the horrors of her job haunt her, I've seen how they affect Spencer, but I've never seen it dim the shining light that is Penelope Garcia.

"Okay get here quick, the wines running low," she said, whispering the last part.

"Pen, it's Rossi's. I'm sure the wine and pasta never run low."

"Yeah yeah, okayyyy byeeee." she hung up.

"She's already getting drunk," I said, turning towards Spencer who has a smile on his face thinking about how she's already tipsy.

We arrived not that long after, pulling up to a mansion. I can never get over the fact of how Beautiful Rossi's place is, and it's been months. We got out of the car and up to the front door, knocking once we were there.

"infine! perché voi due avete impiegato così tanto tempo?(finally! What took you two so long?)" Rossi greeted, after opening the door.

"Rossi," I said, before glancing back at Spencer who was standing slightly behind me. "You know neither of us speaks Italian." we all chuckled and Rossi welcomed us in.

"entrambi siete magnifici! (you both look magnificent!)" Rossi said, in a cheerful tone, as we walked to the kitchen where everyone was.

"Thank you."

"I thought you said you don't speak Italian," Spencer whispered to me leaning in, as Rossi led the way in front of us.

"I don't, it sounded nice though," I admitted, earning a laugh from Spencer.

"Now what are you two laughing about," Morgan asked as we entered the kitchen.

"Oh," Spencer started glancing towards me "it's nothing." 

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now