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chapter five: beaten up blue truck

I kept running. I ran and I didn't look back.

Spencer's pov

Garcia was able to locate Vivans location about 20 minutes after the unsub took her. We loaded into the SUVs and drove as fast as we could. Garcia informed us that they stopped at a secluded house. The whole car ride I was bouncing my leg up and down. I do that when I'm nervous. I'm nervous about what we might find in that house. In what condition we might find Vivian in.

When we arrived we saw the same beaten-up blue truck Frank, the unsub, sped away with Vivian in.

"JJ and Rossi come with me through the back. Morgan, you Emily and Reid go in through the front" Hotch commanded and it was followed by nods of heads. Rossi, JJ, and Hotch made their way around the house as Morgan Prentiss and I cautiously walked to the front. We made it to the front door and we heard no sounds inside, it was completely silent. Just as morgan was going to kick down the door, I stopped him.

"Morgan stop." I reached for the door handle and slowly opened the door after seeing that it was slightly cracked. "No need." I went in first with morgan and Prentiss behind me. We split up and I went upstairs to check.

"Down here!" Emily said. Morgan and I quickly made our way over to the kitchen where she was standing over an unconscious man. As I stepped closer I realized that it was Frank, the unsub. I looked around the room and could see a chair that had roped attached to it but nobody sitting in tied to it. There are also signs of a struggle. If frank is here, then where is Vivian?

Vivian's pov

Where am I?

Spencer's pov

"Wake up!" Morgan said, shaking Frank awake. His eyes fluttered open, when he noticed he was in cuffs and multiple FBI agents around him he started to freak out.

"Calm down! There's nothing you can do now," I spoke up. "Where is Vivian Jackson?"

The Unsubs confused face morphed into a smug look. "You'll never find her."

"WHERE IS SHE?" I yelled, getting closer to him.

"Reid, REID!" morgan pulled me out of the house and to the front yard, where many police officers are searching for Vivian.

"You need to calm down. We'll find her."

"How do you know?" I snapped. "For all, we know she could be buried anywhere in these woods. it's getting dark, and if she's alive, she won't make it through the night," I said, frustrated. Morgan sighed knowing where all this is coming from.

"Reid, this isn't lik-"

"Yeah, well I could be." I snapped, walking away.

Vivian's pov

It's getting dark, and I'm getting really tired.

Maybe I could take a break.

I stop by a tree and sit down. Before I know it my eyes are getting heavier and heavier, and I'm drifting off to sleep.

Spencer's pov

" if you tell us where Vivian as well tell the judge that you cooperated," Hotch told Frank. It's been a while later and Frank still won't talk. We've been trying to get him to tell us where Vivian is for almost the past hour.

"What will that do for me?" Frank smeared.

"It'll make the judge go easier on you, so if I were you I would take the deal."

Frank sighed then said "I tied her up and when I came back she hit me in the back of the head. Now I got in a few good hits but she had a bat and knocked me unconscious and escaped."

Hotch dialed Garcia's phone number and walked away from us. " Garcia, are there any public places near here?"

"The closest place is a gas station 15 miles out."

"Can you track her?"

"No, her watch died, but I do have where she was about 45 minutes ago." She said hopefully. "Location already sent."

I walk up to hotch. "She could be anywhere in the woods."

"We'll find her Reid," he said matter of factly. "Everyone get into your vehicles. We'll split up once we get to Vivians last known location." Hotch commanded and the team headed down to the SUVs. We split up to take as many cars as possible, 2 agents in each car. We all headed down to where Vivans' watch last had a signal.

"You guys continue down this road. We're turning right and Dave and Blake are turning left." Hotch told us when we stopped. JJ and I nodded before continuing to slowly drive down the street and search for Vivan.

We continued down the road for another mile or so when I saw something.

"JJ stop," I said and when the vehicle stopped moving I jumped out and drew my gun. I slowly walked into the woods with JJ behind me. I saw a figure lying against a tree and when I shined my flashlight in that direction, a gasp escaped my lips. 

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now