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chapter ten: Empty bookstore

I was in the backroom, opening up a box of new books when someone rang the bell at the front desk.

"Just a second," I called then got up and maneuvered my way out of the piles of books. When I got to the front I saw a tall, lanky man with light brown, messy hair standing with his back towards me.

"Hey stranger," I said, causing him to turn around and set down two cups on the counter.

"Hey Viv," he said, engulfing me in a hug. "You said you were running late this morning and couldn't get your morning coffee, so I decided to bring some to you."

"Awwww, Spence, thank you," I said as he handed me a hot cup.

"No problem," he said, taking a sip of his own drink. "Slow day?"

"Yep," I said, looking around the empty bookstore. "Just me and the books."

"Would you or the books mind if I joined for a while?"

"Not at all,"

We stayed there talking for a little before I had to get back to work. Spencer roamed the bookshelves till he found a book he hasn't read yet and joined me in the back room where I continued sorting through the new shipments. We stayed in a comfortable silence, occasionally picking up small conversation about random things, from the books I was sorting through to the case he just finished. Spencer had to leave and come back to the back room a few times because he kept on finishing the books he brought in. Reading as fast as lightning, I always thought.

"Vivian?" a familiar female voice called out from the hallway.

"In the back," one of my coworkers, July, came in and greeted both Spencer and me. They've gotten used to Spencer hanging around the bookstore by now.

"Ooh great, you sorted through the books?" she asked when she saw the many piles of crisp, new books laying around.

"Yeah, all that's left to do is put them on the shelves," I said, standing up.

"Okay, I've got it," she said, looking through the new selections. One pro to working at a bookstore is that you have first picks at the new books that come in and also get a discount.

"You sure? I can stick around and help."

"No, you already worked longer than needed. I got this. Now get out of here before I kick you out" she threatened.

"Okay okay, Thanks, July, I'll see you tomorrow." I chuckled. I grabbed my stuff and went over to Spencer who was lost in the latest book he picked out.

"Wanna get out of here?" I asked him.

"Not really," he answered.

"Very funny, doctor. C'mon" I said, pulling him out of his seat as he whined.

"Okay fine, but I want to get this book first."

"No problem," I said, then turned around and called out to July. "Hey, July, can you check this out on my account?" I asked, taking the book from Spencer and holding it up so she could see.

"Yeah, got it," she responded.

"Thanks," I said, then handed the book back to spencer.

"You didn't have to do that, I could have bought it myself," he said, feeling a little guilty.

"It's just a book, Spence. It's no problem."

"Thank you," he said, slipping it into his messenger bag as we walked out of the small, empty bookstore.

"Anytime," I said, linking my arm with his. "Lunch?"

"Mhmm." he hummed.


We decided to have lunch at a little cafe, not too far from where we already were. When we sat down, we started up a conversation about a book that Spencer read today. We talked and ate and laughed. Laughing always happens when I spend time with spencer. We love to talk about anything and it often resorts to us laughing, when it's not a serious topic because we also have deep conversations too. Spencer is just that one person I can tell anything to, anything at all, well almost anything.

"Your total is $23.54." our waiter says as she approached after seeing we were done with our food. Spencer and I argue about who was going to pay, but he eventually won claiming that it was his turn paying this time, which was true, but we always argue no matter whose turn it is to pay.

The waiter comes back with Spencer's card and his receipt. "Here's your receipt, I wrote my number on the bottom, so call me," she says and smiles at him before walking away, not noticing my existence. When I look at Spencer, his eyes are wide, like he's a deer caught in headlights. It takes all I have in me not to burst out laughing at his shocked expression.

"You alive in there?" I ask, pulling him out of his trance. He hummed an 'mhmm' and grabbed his messenger bag and got up. I got up too and we both made our way out of the cafe. As we were walking down the sidewalk towards my car, Spencer crumbled up the receipt and was about to throw it in a trash can before I stopped him.

"Woah Woah Woah, what are you doing?" I asked grabbing his hand before he let go of the piece of paper.

"I'm throwing it away,"

"No dip sherlock, but why?"

"I don't want it."

"you may not want it now, but maybe you will later. You should keep it, she's into you," I said causing spencer to look at me in a puzzling way, but he stayed silent. "What?"

"Nothing," he said then shoved the receipt back into his pocket and we continued on our way to my car.


Spencer took the metro that morning, so I said I would drive him home. When we were outside he asked me if I wanted to have a movie night, to which I agreed. We watched a star trek movie as well as a couple of doctor who episodes.

After hours of staring at the tv and sitting comfortably, with my head in Spencer's lap as he played with my hair on the couch, I looked at the time and realized that it had gotten late and that I had to go. 

I was pretty tired and knew that crashing here at Spencer's apartment would be the best thing to do, but I've been out all day and I had to get home to Oliver.

"Viv, it's late. It's not safe to drive back this late. You know, about 100,000 accidents happen due to drowsy driving, 1,500 fatalities occur, as well as 71,000 injuries." he said as I put on my jacket and grabbed my bag.

"Yes spencer, I know. You told me that last time I left late at night, and nothing happened," I replied.

"Yeah, but something could happen tonight," he said, more to himself but I was still able to hear it.

I sighed and walked over to where he was standing, I pulled him into a hug "I'll be fine," I said into his chest as he placed his chin on top of my head, engulfing me in his arms.

"Just... text me when you get there, okay?" he asked.

"Okay," I said and gave him one last squeeze before pulling away "goodnight Spence."

I walked to the door and looked back at Spencer who was still standing by his couch, a frown plastered on his face. "Goodnight Viv."

And with that I left Spencer's apartment that night, not knowing that I wouldn't get a chance to send him the text message that I got home safely.

A/N: OoOooh a cliffhanger... I'm sorry, not really lol. don't forget to vote and comment to find out what happened to Viv (I'll probably post the next chapter soon no matter what, but still, comment and vote....ig)

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now