S i x t e e n

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Chapter sixteen: closed blinds

I entered the office and saw the leader with his feet on the desk as he sat back and enjoyed the feeling of power.
Okay, power and adrenaline junkie. I could use that.
"Close the blinds," he ordered. I obliged and went over to the window where i saw the team shaking their heads when they realized that i had to close the blinds. I shrugged my shoulders and did as the leader asked me.
"Now take a seat." he said. I did.
"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" he asked, taking his feet off the desk and leaving in close with a daring look on his face.
"Um- y-your holding hundreds of people hostage and half of them are federal agents. I just want to say thats really impressive." he looked at me, trying to read whats going on in my mind.
"No really, being able to fool the top minds in the country? And passing the deep background checks i know they do on their employees? Might aswell give you an award now," i trailed off.
"Award?" he asked, enticed.
"yeah , like one of those world records or something."
"For?" he tilted his head to the side.
"Most federal agents held hostage. To be honest this is kind of embarrassing for the bureau."
"Really?" he asked a smirk evident on his face.
"Of course," i laughed "why? You dont think so?"
He shrugged.
"I mean it must have taken weeks to plan."
"It took almost a year actually, but when your determined its doable"
"A year?" i gasped, acting invested by leaning closer to him. I actually was invested. I was trying to gain as much information as i could. "Thats a long time"
"It is." he told me, then looked around the room. I took this chance too take a closer look at his appearance. He was dressed a suit, same as all his little minions down in the bull pen. He had a wedding band on.

Where did his wife think he was?

All of a student there was a loud noise that came from the bullpen. The leader quickly ran out the door, yelling at someone who wasnt obeying their orders. I slowly walked out the office and down the stairs. The person was completely surrounded by the guards, all their guns aimed. I looked towards the table i was once seated at, but everyones attention was on the personin the center of the circle of guards, they were watching with worry and... fear. When i caught a glimpse of who was in the center, i felt the fear the team felt overwhelm me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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