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chapter eleven: emergency room

Spencer's pov

Vivian lives about 30 minutes from my apartment so when those 30 minutes approached I was waiting for her to text saying that she arrived home. I was pretty tired and wanted to go to bed but I willed myself to stay up to receive the text message from her. 

Today was fun, I had a good time. I always have a good time when I'm with Vivian, around her I can let loose, in a way I can't with my team. She makes me feel... normal in a way. She doesn't interrupt me when I ramble or when I'm spitting out a random fact that has nothing to do with our conversation, she just listens.

She also lets loose around me, I see both the serious side of Vivian and the goofy, I prefer the goofy. She can always make me laugh, either with her goofiness or her clumsiness or her bad jokes, I've gotten used to them by now. We're comfortable around each other. I'm not one for any form of contact because the number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering, it's actually safer to kiss. But with Vivian, I'm comfortable giving long hugs, holding hands, having her head in my lap, and stuff like that. It's different with Vivian, it always has been.

When I checked the time again it was 15 minutes past the time Vivian should have texted. I check my phone but I see no texts from her so I decide to call her.

"You've reached Vivian. I can't get to the phone right now, so leave a message... or don't." 


The anxiety and panic in the pit of my stomach grew as I hung up and called again and again, only reaching her voicemail. After calling multiple times, I decided that maybe she just forgot to text and is asleep, so I tried to get some rest myself. Keyword: tried. I couldn't sleep, so I laid in my bed, staring at the ceiling letting myself drown in my worry.

I eventually drifted off to sleep, only to be awakened by my phone ringing. I really hoped it wasn't a case and that it was Vivian calling back claiming that she was okay. When I looked at the caller id, I noticed it was a random phone number. I almost didn't pick up, but I did when I thought that nobody would call at this hour without a good reason.

"Hello?" I answered groggily, I had only slept for 20 or so minutes before getting jolted awake.

"Hello is this Spencer Reid?" a female voice said on the other line.

"Yes, this is he. May I ask who is calling?" I asked. It's strange that someone I don't know is calling me late at night, or should I say extremely early in the morning.

"I am Dr. Edwards, I am calling from Sentra Northern Virginia Medical Center. You listed as one of ms. Vivian Jackson emergency contacts. I'm callin-"

"What happened? Is she okay?" I frantically asked, the nerves that calmed in my sleep rising again but only doubling in size.

"Ms. Jackson was in an accident and was unconscious when she arrived but is fully responsive now. I think it'll be a good idea if you come in."

"Okay, "I said jumping out of my bed and basically running out the door. "I'm on my way, thank you."


I arrived at the Medical Center not long after, I was driving above the speed limit. I thought that if I got pulled over I would flash the officer my FBI badge and I would get excused. Was that appropriate? No, but I really didn't care. I needed to get to Vivian and make sure she's alright. (A/N: driving above the speed limit is NOT okay or legal. drive safely and responsibly, thanks:)

"V-Vivian Jackson. She was in an accident and was brought here. W-where is she." I asked the nurse sitting behind a desk in the emergency room, where doctors and patients were running around.

"Are you her husband?" she asked, typing into a tablet, looking up where Vivian was.

"No, but I'm her emergency contact."

"Okay, she's in bed 3. Let me take you to her." the nurse said, standing up and walking towards one of the beds in the corner that had its curtains up, separating Vivian from the chaos that is the emergency room.

"Here she is," the nurse said, motioning to where Vivian was behind the curtain. I thanked the nurse and walked over, taking a deep breath before slowly pulling back the curtain, enough for me to walk through.


"Spencer?" she asked, taking her arm off of her head where she covered her eyes from the lights. "What are you doing here?"

My breathing hitched when I saw that she had a few stitches on her face, near her eyebrows, and a few bruises. "What happened? a-are you okay?" I said rushing to her side and gently pulling her into a hug.

"I'm fine Spence, just a minor concussion and some stitches," she said, her voice muffled by my shoulder. I pulled away and sat down on the side of the bed, my hand subconsciously placed on her leg.

"How di-" she started but I cut her off, knowing what she was going to ask.

"I'm your emergency contact remember?"

"Ohh, right."


Vivian was cleared to get discharged that night so I decided to take her home. It was 5 am now and both of us hadn't gotten any sleep, and given the fact that she was in an accident, she really needed her rest. 

When I unlocked her apartment door, Oliver came running to greet us. I scoped him up and placed him in his bed, knowing that Viv wasn't really in the mood right now. She walked into her bedroom then entered her bathroom. When she exited she was dressed in a pair of plaid pajama pants and a t-shirt.

"Ugh I am soooo tired," she said, dragging out the 'so' to make her point.

"I bet, you should get some rest," I told her then stood up to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" she asked once she got under the covers of her bed.

"To the couch, I think I'm going to stay till you wake up, to make sure you're okay."

"So stay in here," she said rolling over so that her back is facing me and there is a spot on the bed.

"O-okay, sleep well," I said climbing in. It wasn't the first time that we've slept in the same bed before, but it was the first time we have where I'm able to label my feelings towards her.

"Goodnight Spence, um... actually good morning," she chuckled.

"Good Morning Viv," 


A:N: sorry I haven't published in a while, I have a little writer's block but I'm getting through that now. I've also been thinking about a new book and I'm excited about that one! ill publish the first chapter as a feeler but won't finish it till I finish this book. go and check it out. also please leave feedback, on this story and all my others. Thank you for reiding!!

Being Full of Life - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now