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(This will be all in Dana's POV. Love you guys)

Awoken by the smell of breakfast cooking downstairs, I walked out of my room and to the kitchen. Youngmin, facing the stove his back to me, hummed a song as cooked. I smiled and touched my stomach with my hand. Walking over to youngmin, I wrapped my arms around his waist laying my forehead in between his shoulder blades. I felt his throaty chuckle as he turned around and put his arms around my waist. He pulled me close to him and laid a sweet kiss on my lips.

"Happy Valentines Day my sunshine" he whispered to me. I smiled.

"Happy Valentines Day my love" I said back. We both turned around, his arm over my shoulder as he put the food on the plates. We took our plates and walked to the kitchen table, this time sitting next to each other rather than across from each other. We ate in a sweet silence, glancing at each other every now and then. Once finished, we put our plates in the dish washer and youngmin took my hands.

"I want you to go upstairs and get dressed into this.." he said, pulling out a dress from under the counter. I took it in my hands.

"okay.." i told him and walked up the stairs. I dressed in the dress given to me and looked in the mirror. I was loose around my belly making that easy for me. It was a beautiful dress. I brushed through my hair and put my makeup on. I walked down the stairs and Youngmin walked in from the atrium, his arms full of roses. Covering my mouth I smiled.

"oh my god.." i whispered. He smiled and walked to me. Placing the large bouquet in my arms, he kissed the top of my head.

"I love you" he told me. I smiled.

"I love you too" I said back to him. I placed the large amount of flowers on the coffee table and turned to face him. He grabbed my hand and I had noticed that he was wearing black dress pants with a blue polo and a black suit jacket with a black tie. Smiling, I looked up at him.

"you look goooood" I told him. He smiled down at me and connected out lips for a minute. We separated and he thanked me.

"Lets go" he turned on his heels and walked me out of the house. Opening the door, I sat in my seat and Youngmin sat next to me. We took off towards where ever he was taking me. I pressed a button on the console which cause the top of the car to fold back and we rolled the windows down. I took youngmin's hand in mine as my hair was blowing in the wind. It was nice to feel the breeze on my face. I looked out the window as we drove for another couple of hours. We turned onto a dirt road and I looked at youngmin who smirked at me. We drove for maybe three miles and stopped. Youngmin came to my side and opened the door, taking my hand as I walked out. Looking down at my watch I saw the time was 6:34 meaning it was almost time for sunset. We walked off the road, hand in hand, into the woods. As my suspicions grew, we walked into an open area. It was absolutely stunning. There was a lake with a dock surrounded by a field of multicolor flowers. Blue, yellow, purple, red. We walked further into the flowers and youngmin lead me to the dock of the lake.

There laid a blanket with a picnic basket on it. Next to the blanket was a CD/Mixtape player. I walked onto the dock, sitting on the blanket.

"oh my god youngmin this is beautiful" i complimented him. He sat and smiled at me.

"Im happy you like it" he told me. We started taking out the food from the basket. Youngmin and I watched the sun set, my head laid on his shoulder and his hand playing with my hair. After finished our food, youngmin stood holding out his hand. I took it and he helped me up. He bent over and pressed play on the stereo, our first dance song played. Smiling, I looked up at him.

"May I have this dance?" he repeated the words, exactly like our wedding day. I took his hand and place my other hand on his shoulder. We slow danced along the small wooded area until the song ended, smiling and laughing as we playfully stepped on each others toes. As the song ended, youngmin sat me back down.

"Dana. I want you to listen carefully to what Im about to play." he told me. I nodded and he pressed play on the mixtape part of the stereo, sitting back with his knees to his chest.

"Hi Dana. Today, my love, is the day of our love. It represents the day we first said those special three words. It represents all of the beautiful kisses we've had. It represents my love for you. But one day isn't enough to show you how much I love you. I know we're already married and I'm so happy we are. This means that I can make everyday Valentine's day for you. You are so special to me Dana. You're the most important thing that I will ever have in my life. I'm so excited to have three beautiful children on the way and I'm so excited to be having them with the girl of my dreams. Now, I know you only know about everything about me but there is one thing I kept from you this entire time only because I didn't want to upset you. And I think its time you know. Dana, before I met you, I didn't think it was worth living anymore. Of course I knew I had the best job in the world and I had 4 friends I would trust my life to but my life was so terrible and nobody saw it. About 3 months before you came to our school, I was dating a girl. She wasn't nearly as beautiful or as kind as you but she was the closest thing I could find considering I didn't know there was better. Well, I found her cheating on me with 3 other guys and when I asked her about it she told me 'I wasn't good enough. I wasn't good looking enough. I wasn't strong enough.' She told me I was nothing. And I believed it. For those 3 months I became depressed and I really didn't feel like living anymore. But you showed up and the first time I saw you, the only thing that ran through my mind was... Wow, shes stunning... And then I talked to you. The first words you said to me, what I thought when I heard you speak was... Wow, shes stunning... And today as I look at you as you listen to me speak to you and tell you my story, I think... Wow, shes stunning... Dana, you pulled me out of a dark place and kept me out. You pretty much saved my life. There aren't enough hugs, kisses, or love I could give you to thank you. Dana. You truly are my everything. I love you my dear. And I will always love you. Until death do us part. I love you, Dana Erika Jo" and the stereo went silent.

I hadnt noticed but my hand was over my mouth and tears were streaming down my face. Youngmin wrapped me in a hug. I pulled away quickly and smashed my lips into his desperate for his kiss. We pulled away and he smiled at me. As he wiped away my tears I looked into his eyes.

"I love you so much Youngmin. I love you so much....." i whispered. I saw a smile spread across his face.

"i know" he told me. He came close to me and looked down at my stomach. He laid his head on it as if listening to our babies and then gently placed three kisses on my belly. After a time without words, we decided we would go home. Once home and in bed, I laid silently. Before drifting off to sleep I wanted to say one last thing whether Youngmin could hear me or not.

"Happy Valentines Day my soulmate" and with that I fell asleep.

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