Chapter 19

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*Dana's POV*

I tore Delilah off the couch and ran to the car. Once in we quickly pulled out and I made my way to Delilah's home. Speeding and doing almost 160 kilometers, we made it to her home and I quickly got out. Delilah followed behind me and I knocked on the door. She hid behind my shoulder. The door swung open and a man stood in front of it.

"Who are you?" he asked, snarling. I put my hand on my hip.

"I'm Dana" I huffed. I saw his eyes travel behind me and catch Delilah.

"Oh so you're the girl who she wont shut her trap about... Hmm.. Pretty cute" he smirked to himself. I rolled my eyes. What a pig.

"How about you come in here and show me what you can do?" he winked at me. I scoffed.

"I'm married. And I'm married to someone who is decent and not a pig like you" I spit at him. I looked past him and saw Delilah's son, standing with a teddy bear in his hand. Delilah's husband turned around and looked at his son.

"Go back to your room. I'll finish up with you in a minute" he told him. The boy had a look of terror on his face and quickly ran away.

"What are you doing to him?!" Delilah yelled from behind me. She stepped to the side so she could be clearly seen.

"I'm teaching him not to be a bad kid" he replied. Delilah coughed.

"You're abusing him like you do to me aren't you?!" she asked. The man soon became furious and took a step towards Delilah.

"You little bitch..." he raised his arm and swung down. Delilah braced herself but I stuck my hand out and stopped his actions from harming Delilah.

"I don't think you want to do that" I stared at him. He brought his hand down and stepped in front of me.

"Oh really. Well I really want to do this" he said and he grabbed me by my hips. Well prepared for what he just did, I grabbed both of his hands, turned round, and swiftly brought his body over mine, his body slamming into the ground.

"I told you. You don't want to do that" i brushed my hands off. As he tried to catch his breath Delilah grabbed her son and ran to my car, placing him in the backseat. Delilah's husband tried standing up.

"If you get up, I guarantee you won't be able to stand after what I do to you" I pointed at him. He stopped and laid there. I walked to the car and I drove off with Delilah. I stopped in the parking lot of a grocery store and dialed the domestic violence line. I handed the phone to Delilah in which she told the operator all the information they needed. I looked back at her son who was sitting quietly looking down at his teddy bear.

"Hey. You okay, bud?" I asked him, patting his knee. He looked up at me and smiled. He nodded.

"Yes. Thank you" he said and put his arms around my neck. I smiled and patted his back. He sat back and I pulled off towards the house. I looked down at the clock which read 5:47pm. I made a quick stop at a McDonalds and bought food for the 3 of us. Once we arrived at the house we all went into the living room. As we ate, Blade walked down the stairs and in front of us. Delilah's son kept close to his mom. I looked at him.

"It's Okay. He's big but hes also a huge sweetheart" I told him. I slid off the couch and to Blade.

"Blade easy" I commanded him. He rested his chin on the couch and looked up at the boy. He had relaxed a little bit. Blade nosed the boys hand and dug under his hand to put it on top of his nose. The boy timidly stroked Blade muzzle and soon became comfortable with the dog. He took Blade's face in his two hands and kissed the top of his nose, making me smile.

"His name is Blade. My name is Dana" i told him. He smiled.

"My name is Joshua" he introduced himself to me. I pat his head.

"Nice to meet you Joshua" I sent a smile his way. Joshua looked up at his mother.

"what's going to happen to daddy?" he asked. She gave him a sad smile.

"I'm not quite sure. But I do know that he is never going to hurt us again. You're safe with me" she told him. He clung to her side and it caused a smile to spread across my face. I looked at Joshua's arm and noticed a bruise. I shook my head and my phone started ringing. It was youngmin. I answered.

"Youngmin? We already facetimed. Isn't it late?" I asked him. He nodded and shrugged.

"I can't sleep. I miss you too much" He told me. I smiled.

"I miss you too"

"I MISS YOU TOO YOU IDIOT" Delilah screamed. I laughed and sat on the couch next to Joshua.

"Youngmin, meet Joshua. This is Delilah's son. Joshua meet Youngmin. He is my husband" i introduced them to each other.

"Hey there bud. How are you doing?" youngmin asked. The little boy laugh.

"Your hair is a funny color" I looked at the screen and found the Youngmin's hair was red.

"Nice colorrrr" i stated. I looked at Delilah.

"Can you do that for me?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Sure" she replied. Youngmin laughed at us.

"What are you guys doing right now" he asked us. I sighed.

"I just body slammed Delilah's husband" i revealed to him. His eyes went wide.

"Oh my god why?! Are you okay?!" he asked. I nodded.

"He was being a dick" i told him. I covered my mouth remembering there was a child in the room.

"And Delilah doesn't care that you did this"

"No I don't. He's an abusive son of a tater tot and he deserved what came to him. You would have done the same thing. He was trying to get with Dana" Delilah spoke. Youngmin's eyebrows furrowed.

"What?! I swear I'll kill him" he spoke. I shook my head.

"Youngmin calm down. I already took care of it. Nothing happened" I tried to calm him down. He sighed.

"Okay. Okay. So have you eaten?" he asked. I picked up the mcdonald's bags from behind me and showed him.

"I cheated on my diet today" i smirked. He chuckled and shook his head.

"At least you ate. And you're feeding yourself plus 3 other growing children" he mentioned. Delilah hit my arm.

"3?! I thought you were having twins?!" she looked shocked. I nodded.

"They called me back in and we found out the doctor made a mistake" i explained to delilah. She clapped and hugged me.

"How cute!" she cheered. Laughing I patted Delilahs arm.

"Hey baby. I'm going to let you go. We should all be getting to bed" I told Youngmin. He nodded and sighed.

"Okay. I love you so much. Stay safe. Sleep tight. Goodnight you guys" he waved. I smiled and waved back and he disappeared from the screen.

"There is a room upstairs that you guys can use. Just pick one" I told Delilah. I stood up and walked to a closet and took out a pair of emergency pajamas. I handed them to Delilah along with a large t shirt for Joshua.

"Thank you so much Dana" she hugged me. She took Joshuas small hand in hers and lead him up the stairs and to a room. I turned out all the lights and grabbed my phone. As I walked up the stairs I sent a message to Youngmin.

"Love you to death. Miss you so much. Goodnight" I locked my phone and walked into my room. Without changing, I crawled under the covers and fell asleep.

(A/N Holy shat you guys im so sorry I'm such a bad writer. I hope you enjoy this really late chapter! I really need to get motivated again
-_- anyway i love you! comment and rate and share and follow and I love you !!

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