Chapter 41 - Exposed Pt. 2

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Third Person POV

"Hey guys, welcome to my livestream!" Aira randomly announced while everyone was chilling in the room, "And today I'm going to be having a fashion show!"

The girls had just arrived in China and are staying in Xinyas house again. The boys were really looking forward to them coming over that they tried to calculate when they'd be arriving based on when they last texted. So they were able to convince their manager to drive them over to Xinyas house with Aira and made it just as they arrived.

Since the girls were tired, they all decided to just chillax in Xinyas room, some on their phones playing games or watching videos. But Aira seems to never run out of energy and decides to make everyone else experience her hyperness as well.

"Yay..." Mingrui says in the dryest voice ever while clapping very slowly.

"Just an everyday scenario of Aira wanting to be a YouTuber." Xinlong sighs before reluctantly paying attention to the hyper girl.

"It's worse when she does it in call though because she's always the host of our meetings so she mutes everyone and makes us comment in the chat of the livestream." Xinya tells them, also used to Airas livestreams.

"Ehm, eXcUsE mE?" Aira pauses while putting on one of Xinyas sunglasses, looking over the top of them, "It's my livestream but no one's commenting."

"sHe'S sO dEmAnDiNg! iM uNsUbScRiBiNg!" Jianne jokingly says, dramatically scoffing and flipping her hair accidently into Yannas face,

"mE tOo!" Zihao joins in, also trying to flip is almost mullet but it wasn't long enough so he ended up whacking Shuyang in the face.

"OW!" Shuyang burst out as he fell backwards onto the bed, pretending to die.

"NO! SHUYANG!" Gyuri plays along, taking only a few steps toward the dead body of the beloved Shuyang.

"Guys?! Hello? My livestream?" Aira still tried to catch the groups attention by repeating her announcement.

"Rara, we don't want to see you try on the girls' clothes. You're too short anyway." Hanyu tells her, not forgetting to diss her height in the process.

"eXcUsE mE!?" Aira exclaims, taking off the sunglasses and clears her throat dramatically, getting ready to spill some tea, "Don't think I haven't seen you stare at Ari Jie's posts on Instagram and freaking out on how pretty she looks in her outfit of the day but you don't want to watch my livestream? Is it because-"

Just before the girls were able to get more of the tea, Hanyu coughed very loudly so Airas words would be cut off but she just kept on talking.

"-as well as the picture she sent you when you first 'met' her even though you technically didn't and kept the photo with you at all times so if you're saying that I have a problem, honey look at yourself." Aira finished the first part of her rant/exposé but this alone left the group in fits of laughter, except Hanyu who is dying from embarrassment.

Out of all places Aira could've exposed him, it had to be in front of the others. And Hanyu started wondering how she found out because he remembers checking that he was completely alone when he fanboys so he won't get embarrassed.

"Okay, Aira, that's enough exposing." Hanyu tried to tell her so he wouldn't die even more.

"But the livestream just got interesting." Ari says, wanting to know more about how Hanyu fanboys. She was surprised that he fanboyed over her but she does that to him so it balanced out...

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