1. Charlie's P.o.V.

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It was a sunday afternoon, I'd just checked into the hotel and settles in my room, when I received a call. The manager of the company I was currently working for told me, that there were some obstacles and the meeting, why I had travelled here, was being cancelled. He said, they were looking for a solution and I could just stay there. I was totally fine with that. I mean, the hotel was amazing and I have four days to relax and I'm not even paying for it. So I put my swimsuit on and went to the swimming hall. I was amazed by all the offerings the place had and I wanted to enjoy every bit of it. There were those towers with diving boards and I tried them all.

I was about to walk to the other pool again, to swim and went out of the water. When I had almost passed the ladder to the diving boards, I saw a guy about to climb up. "His hair looks exactly like Ignazios", I thought, watching him from behind.

Then I said to him: "Hey, be careful, it's slippery at the three meters." I just wanted to tell him, as I nearly drowned from the unprepared fall I had, when I slipped down. The moment I was about to go further, he turned to me and I stopped. It WAS Ignazio. Wow, what was HE doing here?? He smiled at my shock and said: "Thanks for the warning." Then he added: "Your mouth is still open, you know." I came back to reality and smiled nervously.

"You jumped from there?", he asked me to fill the silence. I nodded.

He continued: "Want to jump together? I'm a bit scared of the first time." And he winked at me. I blushed, as he certainly wasn't afraid, but I quickly approached him. Before going up he said: "Oh, I didn't ask for your name. Maybe you know me, though, I am Ignazio Boschetto."

"I totally know who you are! I'm sorry, I act so awkward, I just wasn't prepared to meet you, I'm a big fan. And I'm Charlie!" He smiled and offered me his hand: "Then, Charlie, let's go."

We went to the edge of the board and he looked at me. I smiled as we held hands. "Tre, due", he started counting slowly and I finished: "Uno!" And we jumped. It was an amazing feeling. Much better than usually as now I was flying with Ignazio from Il Volo (oh, what a metaphor).

When we reached the edge of the pool, he said: "Thank you, none of the boys wanted to go with me." My eyes brightened up: "The others are here too?" Ignazio nodded and stepped on the floor, helping me to get out of the water. "Yes, would you like to join us?" I nodded excitedly and he led me to the chairs in another open space. He was leading me, with his hand on my back and I couldn't be happier.

We approached the other boys and I saw Piero reading a book and Gianluca lying there with his sunglasses. My heart skipped a beat, but I remained calm on the outside. Well, I hope so at least.

Ignazio introduced me. Piero smiled sweetly and put his book aside, whereas Gianluca just waved. I couldn't see his eyes, but I doubt that he had even opened them. "Nice to meet you, Charlie", Piero said and offered me a chair between him and Ignazio. We started talking and I had very much fun. But in the beginning I kept glancing to Gianluca, who had now put on his headphones.

After a while I asked the two boys: "Is he alright? I know, he is often more serious, but still."

"I think he is just tired. We had a long week", Piero explained to me. Ignazio added: "But it's actually a bit rude, because we have a guest. I'll wake him up." But before he could stand up, I stopped him: "Oh, no, please, let him relax. I don't want to bother him. Besides I am having so much fun with you two, I think I couldn't handle another perfect guy next to me." They giggled, but after a further chat they suggested to play a card game, as there were now four of us and we could play in pairs. So they eventually woke Gianluca up and he joined us.

I had decided not to look at him anymore, because I had the feeling, that he was a little bit annoyed by my presence and I knew, that once I look at him, I wouldn't be able to look away.

"I'll play with Charlie!", Ignazio said immidiately.

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