10. Ignazio's P.o.V.

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We hung up and I felt so happy for her. I was already planning their wedding, when Piero asked me: "Have you noticed, that Gianluca is acting weird?" I looked at him and said: "Well, kind of, but I thought it's because of his recent headache so I left him in peace. Why? What do you think?"

"What I think?", said Piero, "I think our boy is in love."

I raised my eyebrows and he nodded and continued: "Ever since the game that day in the swimming hall he is not really present. He didn't speak much and he seemed so serious. I had my thoughts but today, when he saw Charlie and us calling, he stiffened and even looked in pain."

I thought about it and nodded: "You're right, that's weird."

My face lit up and Piero must have read my mind, because he said concerned: "Ignazio, remember, we promised her not to tell him. Besides, if she is getting over him... We just can't tell, no matter what happens, alright?"

I nodded. He was right. We should support and help her, but not decide and act for her.

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