16. Charlie's P.o.V.

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It was the late afternoon and I was already in my hotel room, thinking whether I should go for a walk or stay inside, when my phone rang. It was Piero and I picked up, smiling:

"Ciao!", I said happily, but he looked serious. Ignazio was sitting next to him and said: "Charlie, we need to talk."

At first I was shocked but happy and excited, when they told me about Gianluca's feelings. But halfway through their explanation I was crying. I felt so bad, that I was the reason he was suffering so much. The boys tried to calm me down and finally said:

"Charlie, we know, you were about to get over him and if you did, we can't change that, but we are so worried about him and about his condition. He is a mess right now and we can't do anything about it. If you two could talk things over... So... Charlie, we ask you to come."

I reacted immidiately: "I'll get ready right now. I just need to get a flight." Piero said, he had already booked one, as he had hoped that I would agree and sent me the documents. I called my boss and quickly informed my colleagues that I was leaving. I had packed in a hurry and rushed off to the airport. It was going to be a longer flight, as it made a stop inbetween, but I didn't care. I just wanted to be on my way to Gianluca and this was the quickest solution.

I counted, that I would arrive at their house between midnight and 1 am. Time couldn't pass quickly enough.


Finally I arrived. I stormed to the house and rang the bell. Ignazio opened the door and gave me a quick but tight hug. We both knew, that it was now not the time for long greetings. "He's in the living room", he whispered and then called Piero to come out. I entered the house and stepped into the room.

Gianluca was sitting on the couch. When he saw me, he froze. I didn't move either. He stood up and said with a cracking voice, trying to seem relaxed: "Oh, Hi Charlie! I didn't know you would come. Wait, aren't you supposed to be in Belgium?"

"Gianluca", I said, "I know."

He looked confused.

"I know everything." I felt tears on my cheeks. He took a small step towards me, but hesitated, not knowing, what I meant, so I finally said it:

"Gianluca, I love you!"

He stared at me and I saw a tear roll down his face.

I dropped my bag and we ran into each others arms, uniting in a strong kiss. He held me tight and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We didn't let go, only kept crying and kissing each other.

"I love you", he whispered, "More than you can imagine!"

Then he started whiping my tears away from my cheeks and I did the same for him. We laughed through our tears, happy, that we had finally found together.

"I'm sorry", I said, "I should have come earlier."

He embraced me and answered: "No, I should have made my step long ago."

He held my face in his soft hands and whispered: "But now I finally have my angel!" And he kissed me softly.

Then we heard someone clear his throat and turned to the door. Piero and Ignazio were standing there, looking extremely tired but also happy and relieved. They came over to a sweet group hug. We greeted each other and after that Piero said: "I am so happy it worked out. We should have told you earlier, as we knew both sides from the beginning, but we just didn't feel it was our right. But we're glad we finally did. Now let's all go to sleep."

We agreed and went to get ready. I sat on the couch, but Gianluca took my hand and led me to his room: "I think you need a good rest, you traveled so long, so please stay here. I can sleep in the living room." I smiled at him and said: "Well, I don't mind staying together." He grinned and I closed the door. When I turned around he was standing right behind me. He leaned me against the door and our lips met in a passionate kiss. Then he lifted me and carried me to the bed. We crawled under the sheets and he took me in his arms. I felt his chest rise and fall.

"Charlie", he whispered, "We will talk about everything tomorrow. But there are just a few things for now. That time you we first ate together. You said, you weren't beautiful. I didn't say anything, because I wasn't brave enough. But that time I already knew, that you were the most beautiful girl in the world."

I hugged him tighter and said: "I've only had eyes for you, Gianluca. The whole time. When we first met and you were half asleep, I stared at you. When we were playing cards, I avoided your eyes, because I knew, I wouldn't be able to stay calm. When I was with you and the boys, every word I said, was to you. When I was alone, every thought was about you."

I stopped and he continued my speech: "When you were with us, I searched for reasons to look at you, to speak to you, to touch you. When you left, that time I hadn't received a call, I just couldn't handle the pain. Since then, every song I sang, I sang for you. I love you, Charlie!" I leaned up to him and pressed my lips on his. He pulled me closer and held me gently. In his strong arms I fell asleep.

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