3. Charlie's P.o.V.

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I had the best day of my life. I wasn't disappointed anymore about the fact, that Gianluca hadn't talked to me or anything, because Piero and especially Ignazio were so kind and funny! Ignazio and I went to the water slides and took those paired swim rings and it was so much fun!

It was getting a bit dark outside and I knew, that it was time for dinner. The moment I thought about it I stopped and Ignazio said: "What's wrong? You look very serious all of a sudden."

I looked at him and answered: "Do I? Well, it is important. I was thinking about dinner, 'cause I'm starving." He laughed and we walked to the exit.

"Charlie, you're hilarious", he said, "You are so simple and that's what makes you special!"

He had to go back to get his things, so we stopped to say goodbye.

"What do you think about joining us for dinner at the hotel restaurant?"

I screamed innerly and said: "There's nothing better than that! Meet you in half an hour!" We exchanged room numbers and he left, waving at me.

I quickly ran to my floor and entered my room. I figured out, that below me was Piero's room, between the other two. I took a quick shower and changed into a dress. I dried my hair and tied it into a ponytail. When I was packing my necessary little things into my purse, I heard a knock. I opened the door and saw Ignazio smiling at me.

"Ready for dinner, principessa?", he winked at me. I nodded and closed the door behind me.

"Ready as ever", I said and we went to the restaurant. Piero and Gianluca were already there and Ignazio pulled the chair away for me to sit next to him. I greeted the boys and saw Gianluca looking strangely at me. I said quickly: "If you don't want me to sit with you guys, please tell me. I really don't want to bother you on your free days!" But Piero assured me, that they really liked my company and Ignazio was playfully angry about how I could even think like that.

When we ordered, I chose a huge plate, because I was extremely hungry.

Ignazio said: "Finally a woman who eats like a normal human and doesn't order 'just a salad, I need to look after my figure'!" And he imitated a high voice and added: "I always feel so bad then, eating my full plates."

I laughed and said: "I mean, I'm hungry and besides, why should I worry about my weight? If I were very beautiful, maybe I'd take care of my look, but as I am like I am I want people to like me for my personality and not my body. Furthermore, it's then harder to kidnap me!"

We had a laugh about that and Piero said: "I agree, people should worry less about their weight. But, amore, you are so beautiful! And I am not saying it only to please you. You have a natural beauty! So we don't want to hear you saying, that you're not, anymore!" And he winked at me.

I melted away and thanked him for the kind words. We kept talking, mostly us three. Gianluca joined when the boys were telling a story of them, but he was quiet a lot the rest of the time. As much as I didn't want to care, I still glanced at him every now and then. A few times I even imagined, that he had looked at me, but quickly turned away when I did. Strange and a little sad, but still, I had so much fun with the others.

In the evening after the dinner Ignazio accompanied me to my room. When we stopped infront of my door he said: "We have so much in common! I really like your pure personality. Let's meet again. Tomorrow? What do you think?"

I was overfilled with happiness. "Totally!", I sighed, "It's my pleasure!"

He hugged me and we said good night to each other.

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