6. Gianluca's P.o.V.

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I felt so happy finally talking to her too. She didn't seem to disklike me and was very kind. I was still unsure about her relationship with Ignazio. I think, if he loved her, he would have told us. But maybe he was still figuring it out?

After a while after dinner I went to the supermarket to get some fruits. When I reached the counter, I stood behind a young lady. She turned sideways and I saw that it was Charlie.

"Oh, Hey Gianluca!", she smiled at me.

I nearly dropped my pears. "Charlie! I thought you went back to your room", I said.

It was her turn to pay, so she got distracted, but after that I saw her waiting for me on the side. When I reached her, she said: "I was just bying some snacks for my movie night. If you guys want, you can come over! We can have a pyjama party. What do you think?"

"That sounds incredible", I answered, "Let me help you." And I took her bag. She thanked me and we went to the hotel.

"How didn't I think about it earlier?", she started, "It will be so much fun!"

I smiled at her excited expression. I brought the bag up to her room and she said: "Okay, so I am going to prepare everything. Can you go and tell the others? We meet in half an hour at my room."

I agreed and left. This is going to be so nice. She was relaxed, so why shouldn't I be, too? I knocked at the boys rooms and they were excited too. I quickly showerd and put my sleeping pants on. I wanted to come a little earlier to just be with her, but when I entered Ignazio was already there. He was sitting on the king-sized bed and Charlie was arranging the snacks on a small table. I watched them until Charlie said: "Gianluca! Sit down, feel free to take anything you want."

My first thought was: "Okay, may I take you?" But of course I didn't say it. I stood next to Ignazio and then Piero entered.

"Guuuuuys!", he yelled, "Look what I brought!" And he showed us a bottle of champagne. We cheered and then Charlie invited us to sit on the bed and make a circle. She took some bowls from the table and placed them in the middle.

"Let's play 'truth or dare'", Ignazio suggested and we agreed.

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