9. Charlie's P.o.V.

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The last day had passed too quickly. We were standing infront of my taxi and were saying our last goodbyes. We have exchanged phone numbers and promised to stay in touch.

I hugged Gianluca first and stepped to Ignazio. In that moment Gianluca took his phone and answered it, though I hadn't heard it ring. He excused himself and went inside.

I looked at Ignazio and Piero and said: "Boys, I don't remember having a better time than this. Thank you so much! You are ... like brother to me!", I felt weird telling them this, as I didn't know how they would react, but Ignazio said: "And you're like a sister!" And Piero nodded. I felt a tear rolling down my cheek and we embraced in a sweet group hug. When I sat in the taxi, I waved at them and Ignazio blew me a kiss. I was sad to leave, but I also knew, this wouldn' be the end.


Things went well. Much better than I had expected. I texted with Ignatzio a lot and chatted with Piero, too. We even had a few calls. I was getting used to it, but surely was still excited every time.

One day Ignazio called me and when I picked up he shouted happily: "Ciao, sorellina!" That was their way to call me now and I found it very cute. He asked me what I was doing and how my day was. We talked a little bit and then he told me about his day.

"... and yeah, so after the recording we went to Gianluca's and now we're at my house", he ended. By the mention of Gianluca I asked him: "Oh, yeah? By the way, how... how is Gianluca doing?" I felt so proud of how casually I had said that, but it clearly wasn't like that, because Ignazio chuckled and said slowly: "Why are you asking it this strange way?" I blushed and turned my phone away so he couldn't see my face. But that was already enough.

"CHARLIEE?!", he yelled, "Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

"It's nothing!", but neither of us believed me so I sighed: "Alright, I'll tell you because you are my brother. I may have... a little... really only a small crush on Gianluca."

Ignazio yelled again and I cried: "But don't you dare to tell him!"

Then I heard Piero's voice: "Not tell what? To whom?"

I sighed and Ignazio explained. Piero started yelling, too and I made a serious face: "But guys, I beg you. Not a word! It doesn't matter how he sees me. You can't tell it for me, please!"

Piero calmed down and nodded: "You know, you can trust us. We'll keep out mouths shut."

Then I heard the door open and Gianluca said: "Why are you yelling?" Piero turned to him and Ignazio winked at me. I knew what he was thinking, so I started to shake my head rapidly. He only nodded and turned his phone to Gianluca and said in an extremely fake sweet and innocent voice: "We're talking to Charlie. Gianluca, say hi!" I saw him frown, but then he waved at me. I greeted him and tried to come up with and excuse. And there it came. My doorbell rang. I opened it and saw a guy standing there shyly. I asked him to wait a minute and said to the boys: "Guys, there's a dude, I have to go. See you!" And I hung up.

The guy looked at me and mumbled something about being my new neighbour. I explained him a few rules of hour house and then excused myself and said, I had to work.

I saw a bunch of messages from Ignazio, so I called him and Piero again. They immidiately picked up and Ignazio said: "Continuing our conversation! By the way, who is this guy?" I rolled my eyes and said: "Just my new neighbour. Ignazio, please don't yell or Gianluca will hear us! I haven't told you, but ever since I had discovered Il Volo I felt a bit more of a Gianluca-girl. I mean, I love you all but it's different now. When I am with you two I am excited, but I am also relaxed and I am myself. But when I think about him I just lose it."

When I said the last words, I heard Gianlucas voice in the background and stiffened.

"Who are you talking about?" Ignazio looked up and said: "Ehm, Charlie's neighbour. He seems like... a nice guy, I guess." I sighed and relaxed again. I heard Gianluca leave and we started laughing.

"Guys, but I have decided to get over it. And sometimes it really works, you know! So I will keep trying."

It was getting late, so we agreed to talk another time. I hung up with a funny feeling. I hoped, Ignazio and Piero would be careful.

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